My Rantings...
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I feel bad..

It's not for me to judge where my gf's futures lies but all I ever wanted was for her to succeed. Succeeding have totally nothing to do with luck but has everything to do with mentality. Therefore, I felt bad when I said that SIM is a place for losers with nowhere better else to go.

"Why do I felt this way?" I asked myself, after all, SIM has its fair share of success stories and yet I am criticising their ability to groom a student. The only reason I can think of is that I am getting to full of myself. I had never overlook this negative attitude of mine and I am trying ways to improvise on it.

I been think of my future again. Questions such as 'what career path should I choose', 'what type of person do I want to spend the rest of my life with', 'what should I do if my parents are diagnosed with a serious illness' and 'what if I were paralysed from a freak accident'. There is so many questions which are on my mind but no answers appeared on my mind. Perhaps the only possible answer I have is what should I do if I terribly ill of which the answer is I will definitely terminate my life since the law could be allowing the use of lethal injection soon. But what about my other questions? My guess is that the decision would most probably be made either selflessly or selfishly.

If I were to choose my career base on selflessness, the career would most probably be regular working hours with a decent salary. But if I were to choose a career selfishly, I would be looking for a high paying job with irregular working hours that have a high chance of promotions early.

Sigh... There are so much tough decision to make in life... A major decision is still pending this coming December or March.

posted at 10:42:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, November 06, 2008

I'm back to being a bookworm, borrowing books from the library. I manage to stumble upon one of the best selling books and i borrowed it immediately!

It's titled - "THE RULES OF LIFE"

Basically, this book provides recommendation to lead a happier and more successful life. After reading 1/4 of the book, I found out why had I succeeded... I possess half of the life's rule recommended by the book! That is why I am successful :) I guess if I want to be a happier person, I have to finish the remaining of the book.

Anyway, there are many things which I can do now since I am relieved of the stress of preparing for exams. Taken up a few hobbies and enjoying life. Hope I can pick up new skills soon :)

posted at 12:14:00 AM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


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