My Rantings...
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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today's the last day of my work. I do not know why I got so emotional today (not cry and cry tat type la!)

All my thoughts were about the 2 years plus I had been working there. To be honest, some of my most enjoyable time was in WinterTime.

Why I enjoyed my time there, let me list it down...
1) It is a place for me to clear my thoughts and ponder about what course of action should I be taking.
2) It is a stepping stone for me to break the communication uncomfortability.
3) Colleagues you can give advice and share jokes.

Yes, I have just listed down 3 things. But all this factors really mould me into what I am today. In the past, I am that shy boy who have problems communication with others. And to think back, I only started to become more outspoken after I got involve in a relationship and got the sales job.

I think I can safely ask anybody who know me in my secondary school days, they will most probably say that I am a quiet guy who do not talk much especially to girls. Since my job is full of female colleagues, I have no choice to interact with them, leading to my ability to conquer my shyness with females. By having my girlfriend by my side plays a big part as well.

Haha... Got flashback on some laughable moments, unhappy moments. Haha.. Sigh.. I do not know what to say but I think I will definitely miss working in such a fun environment.

posted at 10:26:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, June 27, 2008

Common Test results all gotten back lei... Quite please with my results..

MA2 - A
AFA - A+
TAX - A+

Happy Happy... but could have done better without all the careless mistakes... So...


Here I COME!!!

posted at 8:26:00 PM by Eugene

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.
B) Tag as many friends as you can to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.

#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Ans: Hmm... need to see whether i had dig out all possible benefit from my 'lover' first :)

#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Ans: Be rich without feeling any stress/pressure

#3. What will your dream wedding to be like?
Ans: > As simple as possible with all my close one with a beautiful sexy wife

#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Ans: Career path. Auditor or a finance officer?

#5. what's your ideal lover like?
Ans: Pretty, Sexy, Passionate, Faithful, Able to cook, Intelligence must not be too far away from me and have B or C cup :):):)

#6. What is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?both?
Ans: Loved by someone ba... loving someone den i need to offer something while someone who love you will be willing to offer anything to me :)

#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Ans: Wait? I'm impaitient lei.. Need the person wait for me :)

#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Ans: Friend friend first lor... see future got chance anot ;p

#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Ans: Family issue.

#10. Is being tagged fun?
Ans: Irritating.. have to do the stupid quiz.

#11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Ans: Successful with a good career and a loving wife. I want to marry early.

#12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Ans: Mother and GF? not much pple close to me :(

#13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
Ans: irritating person

#14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?
Ans: Neither.. I wana be rich and married.

#15. What's the first thing you do every morning?
Ans: Lying on my bed

#16. Would you give all in a relationship?
Ans: Yes

#17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Ans: The one who I have the hp no. :)

#18. What type of friends do you like?
Ans: honest and loyal friends

#19. What type of friends do you dislike?
Ans: those who like to kbkb and shoot cannon


whom i tagged:

posted at 8:06:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, June 19, 2008

It never cease to amaze me how much I can tolerate my temper infront of my friends and yet turn into a monster into a monster infront of the 2 closest person in my life.

I had a quarrel with my mother today. I told her she is too money-minded for some reasons. Soon, ugly scene start to unfold. She say I am money-minded as well! She quote an extremely stupid example "you also money-minded... everytime go eat you straight away say money money..." I was totally pissed off. I worked for 2 years plus earning allowance for myself all this time. Only in circumstances where I really am unable to come up with money do I approach you for money. There are many times when I totally do not have a single cent and yet I did not approach you!

Maybe my reply was too harsh. I reminded her that I had been working for a living and most of my friends who are still students do not have to work but instead can get allowance regularly from their parents.
Her reply: "Other people can get allowance because their father work and are well off"
Mine reply: "There are also other people whose father go play around and yet still getting allowance from their parents"

And here is another point I like to emphasis!

To be honest, I really envy most of my friends, especially those with complete family. I think I can safely say that I have not enjoyed fatherly love since the day I was born. And yes I do enjoyed motherly love BUT please apply your love in a more caring way instead of constantly nagging and being sacastic!

Damn pissed off now! I think I hate the most is being blamed for something I do not do and in which I have no control over. So the reason I am angry:
1) You are the one who choose the marry your husband so dun blame me for the things he done!
2) I am not money-minded! Yes, I could be but I had never eyed your fortune in the first place!
3) Dun keep using our family to compare with other families! Our is not really a family anyway!

(cold war)

posted at 8:17:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Updates on the bangkok trip.

Stayed at baiyoke suite hotel. The hotel overall is good. The location, room size and hotel services. But one thing I do not like about the hotel is the smell of old furniture in the room. Really strange small.

And in this hotel, it was my first experience eating breakfast on the 43rd level!

Next, the airline which I had taken, Airasia. I feel that budget airplane has been under-rated. For the length of my leg, I can say that the leg space is sufficient. The take-off and landing was also quite pleasant. No jerking was felt during the course of the flight either.

What I like about Bangkok.
1) The street food! Although some of my friends warned me about eating their street food(will kanna stomach pain) but I still proceeded on anyway. The street food I has tasted are chicken rice, wanton mee, fishball mee, roti panta(fav), grilled/bbq prawn(big), deep fried fish/chicken, bbq chicken wing, bbq pork/chicken meat/organ, fresh seafood and some fruits.

The other food I tried was this particular restaurant. I must say that the food is rather good :)

and my childhood favorite drink! Wahahaha

Other than eating, I shopped :) Didn't take photo of my purchase ar. The stuff is damn cheap! T-shirt 3 for S$10!!! But I really regret not buying more at their weekend market.

Taxi driver are &#$%^%$! Trying to scam us of our money all the time! So it is a must to request the driver to go by meter! Tuk Tuk is fun but it is dangerous as well.

Overall! I will say bangkok is worth the visit :)

posted at 8:38:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

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Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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