My Rantings...
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Monday, May 19, 2008

I remember when I graduated from QTSS and got my excellent results, one of my thoughts was that if I joined Accountancy, I will be in a group of elites from different schools in Singapore. Something which I was uncomfortable with initially. However, 2 years down the road, I am still one of the elites among the elites! Is my statement confusing? Basically, when I entered into Ngee Ann, I do not expect to maintain my standing as one of the best which is fortunately that I had proved myself wrong.

But now, I am thinking of exactly the same scenario which haunted me in the past. If I were to enter into NTU, I will still be among elites. Will I still be able to stand out? The competition in Ngee Ann is far different from in NTU. In NTU, my course will most probably be filled with students who did fantastically well in their A levels. Will I be submerge by the pressure? Only time will tell. Maybe I cannot even get into NTU.

Furthermore, I really cannot predict how my future will be like. I am after wealth and happiness which unfortunately do not goes hand in hand usually. Long working hours will be expected from me and that will mean hours loss for family and love life. I feel that my plans to marry and have children before 30 years old seems very brittle now. After I graduated from Ngee Ann, Army and possibly NTU, I will be 25 when I enter into the workforce. To have a happier marriage, it is better to establish myself in my career so as to enjoy financial stability which requires among 5 to 10 years. By that time, I will be 30 plus! This is food for thought to those who had not planned for the future.

Lastly, Bangkok trip next month! I am expecting a enjoyable, romantic trip to help me relax and rebuilt what that is slowly sipping away.

posted at 1:57:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


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Touring Jacket
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Be Fitter
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2A License

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