My Rantings...
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I have read quite alot of articles on the newspaper lately. I wun say that newspaper are only those English/GP A star wannabe as I had that mind-set in the past. I could say I was a "discriminatist" as I would discriminate everything that I do not like!

Oops, I mean I am still a "discriminatist" but not as much as in the past. (I was a good-for-nothing slacker in the past so there are alot of things that I dislike)

One of the articles I remember reading was something in the ST forum. Apparently, there was a letter posted by a parent saying that the Singapore education system does not caters to the average students. Firstly, what makes them average? There are alot of possibilities, namely they are lazy, playful, do not have long attention span or just basically have lot IQ. So what deserving stuff they have done to make them worthy? Even if the education system really caters to them, will that motivate them to do better? In my opinion, this privillege given to them will only be abused! Kid will take the education system for granted! So what will this leads to? Imagine specialised job such as auditors and doctors where there is ZERO-tolerance for error being given freely away to kids who just have to say "I wanna be this, I wanna be that." Will Singapore be able to retain her reputation as a business hub or medical hub? The cold hard truth is that if you aspire to be something, you can only work hard for it. If you are not up to standard, you just have to be satisfied with sub-standard.
(Its offensive but I really feel that people who really work hard deserves more than those who do not work hard and just keep whining)

Another issue that attracts my attention, improvement to the transportation system in Singapore to crub pollution and over congested roads. The only way that people will stop driving cars is that they do not have the money to afford/maintain one. Owning a car is not a simple issue as personal transportation. It a matter of status! What will it looks like when those people takes public transport instead of driving: Principals, CEOs, Ministers and Managers? Taking public transport makes them look like commoners, sharing buses with irritating school going childrens, boarding an MRT and imediately smelling fantastic aroma coming from someone's sweat. Singapore is a highly competitive country whereby status determines who is better. Let take 2 CEO for comparison, one of them drives a Lexus and the other takes taxi to work everyday. Surely the one driving will be deemed to be more successful although it might not be the fact. I feel that Singaporeans has this everything also must win attitude. If you take public transportation, you are a loser. Period! Solution? Ban the sale of cars in Singapore! (so that I can ride my motor on a car free road ;p)

posted at 11:39:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, February 18, 2008

I do not know how to describe my feeling now...

Just feel like screaming, say vuglarities or hitting myself...

I try so hard, yet.... My retribution? Karma? laugh at pple say they study so hard and yet that is their results... now my turn... sigh...

Fuck that paper, the setter and my brain!

posted at 5:17:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


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