My Rantings...
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Sunday, December 16, 2007

My birthday is coming soon! And what do I want for my birthday?

Oh ya, christmas is around the corner too! I do not mind if you guys wants to accumulate those two gift together and give me a more costly gift ;p

I will show the gift I want that have pictures first! =)

Firstly, I want a sunglasses! Too protect my poor eyes from the harmful rays of the sun! As you guys should know, more and more UV rays are penerating through the Ozone layer. Therefore, it is best that we protect our eyes! I do not want any sunglasses! I want this!

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If you guys do not know what this sunglasses is, allow me the pleasure to infrom you! =) The frame of the sunglasses is made from the tyres of F1 racing cars! That sounds very cool isn't it? (Although I do not know what the fucking advantage the tyres of F1 cars give) I been eyeing this sunglasses for like 3 years? Oh!!! Someone please buy that for me!

If you guys do not know, I have gotten a motorcycle! So if there is anyone who is reading my blog concern about my safety, you have to buy me a helmet! A helmet is the only one and most important safety gear for any motorcyclist. Therefore, it is good to invest in a good helmet. I am kind enough to choose a cheaper helmet. I know there are helmets that costs $500 plus plus. This helmet is consider cheap!

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And this helmet certainly matches the sunglasses! So if you guys really care about my well-being, please buy both for me! =)

Next, there are certain modification I would like to do to my bike. I would like to enchance the size of my motor using this...

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which will make my motor look like this...

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It looks really MAN rite! Not those small small 2B motorcycle but those Harley Davidson that type! I intent to buy the tank cover and have a good spray job on it. Cost roughly $200 to $400. Need to save it for it!

Next, I do not want to add a box to my motorcycle but I wanna add a rack to it for me to tie my stuff on it. It will be able to put all my shopping loot!

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which will make my motor look like this!

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There are many modification which I have in mind but this is all I can afford to think about now ;p

Now, back to my birthday present. Here are the list of non-pictorial items I desire.

1) A trip to Hong Kong
2) A wallet
3) A motorcycle Raincoat (top & bottoms)
4) Straight As (wif 4.0 GPA)
5) Good health for myself and my mother
6) A couple of shirts
7) A couple of Tees
8) Gmasking my phone
9) Osim Idesire

Thats around all the stuff I want... But seriously, all I have in mind right now is on modifying my bike! Modify modify modify! I need lots and lots of $$$!

Last weekend was my beloved's birthday! I wanted to come up with a big surprise for her but it turned out that what I had planned isn't able to turn out as planned. I was also having my common test so I hope I did gave her a happy birthday celebration! Hope she like the gift and the cake that I given her! =)

Last week was hell! But right now I am given the rightful and long overdue rest that I deserve so much! Imagine! Study, work, family, relationship, friends! So many things to juggle! Allowing me to sleep more than 9 hours nowadays is a luxury today! Wow! Come to think of it, I used to sleep for more than 9 hours frequently in the past!

Lastly, went on a major shopping spree yesterday. The main excuse for this spree is that my clothes are wet and I need dry clothes to prevent myself from getting a cold. Ended up buying 2 levis jeans and a levis shirt and a bag for my piggy. I got a total of 7 levis jeans now! If I am damn bo liao one day maybe I will take pictures of all 7 of them and post them on my blog! Thats all for now!

Ride safe! (Just reminding myself)

posted at 10:58:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, December 06, 2007

My opinion only...

I feel that people who are not compatible can be together! What is wrong with two completely different guy and girl being together? In my opinion, a relationship can last as long as it can be if both parties is happy in a relationship!

Then, there are many excuses why people break up...
1) New love
2) Not compatible
3) Too busy
4) Loss feelings
5) Tired of the r/s
6) Cannot stand some characteristic
7) Parents disapprove
8) Cannot commit to the r/s

Right now i cant think of more as i mind now is more focus towards my common test. But all i can say is that all those reason which are typically used in break-up is due to unhapiness!

Why do someone have to find a new lover if he/she is perfectly happy with the one he/she currently has?

Why will someone bother to think that they are not compartible with they are happy together? Those negative thoughts only comes when quarreling are occuring.

Too busy, this may not be due to happiness but the priority/selfishness of people...

I can go on and on and on... But i will stop here... my mind focus point here is that happiness is everything in a r/s... i do not mean that quarrel most be isolated from r/s as i know that it is impossible but what i mean is that the upsetting situation must not be too prolong. To me, i will seriously want to end it if i feel that i cant find any happiness out of a r/s...

there is a reason why i am writing this...

posted at 8:20:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

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Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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