My Rantings...
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I am damn stress now! Tutorials! Mini-projects! Projects! I do not think my frail little body can take all this pressure. This is the first time in my life that I do not know how to do a homework. To elaborate more, when my homework is blank, it is very likely that I am too lazy to do and do not even have the time to copy the work. But now in polytechnic, I can spent 1 hour stucked at a question and still do not know what to do. Even if I am able to complete the question, it is very likely that I will still get the wrong answer!

Let me quote an example. This happened to me just recently. I spent 2 hours and 30 minutes doing a tutorial. Overall, tutorial requires me to complete 5 questions. Within this 2.5 hours, I managed to complete 4 questions and that leaves with just one question which I completely had no idea how to do! 2.5 hours... This time is the time limit for most of my test nowadays and I spent all of it to do just 5 petite questions! Further more, of the 4 question which I did, 3 of the answers were wrong! That would means I only manage to get 1 out of 5 right! Sigh! I'm getting stupider :(

The modules I am taking this semester are tough! Damn tough!
Taxation - its kinda easy but there is still alot of things to memorise.
Business Law - need i say more about this? Law! Cases to memorise and question which requires me to debate!
Managerial Accounting 1 - This is the module which the tutorial I did got 1/5 only! Further more, most of my classmates and coursemates all do not know how to do!
Regulatory Framework of Accounting - This is the law of accounting! Similar to law, the modules requirement for a student is for them to understand the Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) and how those standards justify accounting treatment!
Finance International Trade - Memorising of shipping terms, shipping documents. Need a say more?

Basically, this semester requires me to memorise, memorise and memorise! I will be quite glad to get a 3.8 GPA this semester but I will still aim to get a 4.0 GPA! I'm going to be a nerd for this semester! 4.0 will be my motivation to work hard.

I vaguely recalled that Cynthia had told me something. What if I do not have a job to support myself? Would I have done better? I think that this is an excuse to console oneself. I think that studies should be well balanced with all other factors. To be able to balance everything makes you better than those who got straight As by staying at home and getting help from private tutors. I strongly believe that with hard work would really make a differences!

posted at 12:15:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm pissed off today! The last customer for the day was damn KNN!!! We are already living in a automated society and that creature who I do not know is from which decade have completely no automation! My shop closes at 9.30. That knn woman went in the shop at around 9.15 and I pulled the shutters down at around 9.22. This woman is not automatic at all! She continue to shop slowly and even have the nerve to play with her baby when she bloody hell know we are closing our shop. The F***ing excuse she gave is that her flight is tomorrow hence she must get her winter wear by today! Excuse me! I do not intend to be voted to be a good salesman! The what GEMS project to reward deserving sales personality is nothing of my business! I'm for the job just to get paid, go to work at 11 and leave work at 9.30! What that knn woman did? She delay and delay, trying on sweaters which she eventually did not buy and only settled for one pathetic $79 jackets.

Please, if you want to waste other peoples' time, you better have a good reason and to me, a $79 jacket is certainly a very poor reason! Oh wait! Did I mention what time did the knn woman leave the shop? 9.48pm on the clock! She delayed her time from 9.22, the time from when the shutters came down to 9.48pm! A grand total of 26 mins! I can tell you that if my shop is surviving on decent profits, I will certainly chase the customers out my shop. I do not mind if the goodwill of my business will be affected. Bloody hell... Dun give me that CB face and tell me "sorry sorry, my flight is tomorrow and I need winter wear". You should have came down to the shop early and not letting your irresponsiblity affect me any way negatively! Luckily, I still manage to pull off a smile which beneath is flaming with impatient. I really ought to control my anger...

Next, I decided to take a MRT instead of a bus as it was really late and I am really very tired. I bought the usual cabin in the MRT which is directly infront of the escalater at Redhill MRT. There was this mother daughter pair who boarded the cabin after me. I proceed on to the seat which is next to the door so that I can lean my body on the glass panel. However, I noticed that I am surrounded by children so I decided to seat by the next glass panels beside the MRT doors which is still empty. When I stood up and took a few steps to the seat, I realised why was that seat no occupied, there was a puddle of colour water infront of the seat. So I went by my instinct and when back to the seat where I was previously occupying. Damn the pair whom I will curse later on hurry scamble to my seat like there was gold on my seat. Abit unsatisfied, I didn't grumble much but just stare(cum smile) at them and letting them take my seat. I went on to seat next to them. Guess what kb statement they said?

"Wah... lucky we see there got water ar so we never seat there. That boy must not have seen the water so he got up to seat there"
KNNBCCB!!!! Where is the nice Singaporean which I always see in advertisement??? They didn't even tell me about that puddle of water and hurry to the seat which I occupied only 1 seconds ago!!! That made me boil but that was not the end.

They manage to make me warmer when I see them getting off at Chinese Garden! That is only 2 fucking stops away from Boon Lay! Cant you two b*t*hes butt stuck on the seat for less than 5 minutes? What you stand to gain from getting my seat? A bigger seat for your bigger butt? NO! There is only a glass panel which you bi*c*es didn't even lean on!

I curse you two mother and daughter pair! I curse the mother will remain fat as ever and grow so fat that the fats will burst out of her body! And I curse the daughter to grow as fat as a b*tc*y mother and cant never find a life partner!

I am still flaming now!!!
Have to control my temper!!!

posted at 10:50:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


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Touring Jacket
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Be Fitter
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2A License

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