My Rantings...
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Saturday, September 29, 2007

I find myself subconsiously following the news of the violence in Myanmar very closely. The situation had worsen day by day. Just one week ago, I remember the newspaper were reporting that the soldiers in Myanmar are refusing to use violence against the peaceful protesters. However, barely one week later, the report have a 180 degree change. Soldiers are attacking monks, protesters and even innocent by-standers! There were even people killed! How bad can this world goes? Global warming, outspread of dieaeses, terriorism, natural diasters and now war?

Guess I am trying to be political now... =x

posted at 12:47:00 AM by Eugene

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I finally know how to put pics inside my blog! I will post some pics of the genting trip!

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This is the pathetic hotel room! So damn small!

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The hotel line which is so damn long. We waited 20 minutes in that line!
All because of this notice!

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And then the F***ing staff at the counter told us we do not have to wait in that line!
The notice is telling us to wait in line to check-in or is it that my English is so damn bad?

After that! The lousy food!
The food of the following two pictures are terrible! If you are in a right sense of mind, follow my advice! Do not patronise their store!
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The food which gave me mixed feelings

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The burger was terrible and the drinks so un-softdrink(like) but the cheese potato wedges were nice!

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Lastly, the NOODLES ON PROMOTION! $12RM. Daylight robbery!
The other pictures!

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Me peeking inside a ladies toilet.

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Me performing a magic trick! ;p

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Genting! Small scale!

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The money we had left on the second day! How we wish it was in Singapore dollars...

Before I end this post, I would like to show to pics taken in the same location and completely different results! You guys decide which is nicer...

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which photo effect is better & who taken the pictures? Shld be a easy guess ;p

posted at 11:14:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My job, a sales assistant, is surprisingly fulfilling. What is the job scope of a sales assistant? A good knowledge on the product, a good service attitude, good communication skills and efficiently handing of stocks. However, my job, a sales assistant, is abit more special. How else can a sales assistant be able to order people to do things for you? I meant not bossing my colleagues around but just mainly asking them to help out with some of the more simple tasks. And of wonders of wonders, they actually listened to me! Imagine a 19 year old sales assistant working part time is able to gain the trust and respect of fellow colleagues of the older 25/26 year old full timers! This is something which I manage to secure working for WT. I feel as though as I am undergoing a leadership course while working! My more senior colleagues allow me the freedom to do whatever I want and will only reprime me when I did something very wrong, the responsibility of handling the cashier and stocks and even the authority to ask the more junior colleagues to do things for me! Doesn't this sounds like a dream part time job?

Oh wait! It gets even better! Basically, no one will order me around with the exception of my supervisor and one other senior colleagues. The rest of my colleagues simply would not ask me to do anything at all! That means that I get to slack most of my time! What job pays you a average hourly wage to slack? As far as I can think of, there is only a handful of this job around and I feel that I am very lucky to get whole of one of them.

I am really grateful with the opportunities my seniors at my work place has given me. I can really use the experiences gained working there to apply on my school works. One of my wishes is to be a good leader, a skill which I lacked throughout my school life and do not have any opportunity to pursue this skill but it is actually given to me via my work. I will make full use of this opportunity and develop a better me!

posted at 11:25:00 PM by Eugene

This is my first attempt at script editing! I feel that I did quite a good job. My job looks like what I want it to be. I can change the background anytime to suit my mood! :) My blog may look stupid but I like it! :)

Please give as much comments as possible regarding my new blog skin!

posted at 12:06:00 AM by Eugene

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I gotten back my results for semester 3. I gotten a GPA of 3.9. Usually, I would be extremely happy to get something this high. But now, my mind-set had changed. My first reaction was: damn! not 4.0? My thinking now is changing to those students which I deem "siao" students studying in top schools in the past. No perfect grade, my heart will feel like crying. And I was so close to the perfect grade! Just 5 marks away to pull my GPA up by 0.1! I am becoming kinda "siao" myself now.
Anyway, my grades:






I wish myself better luck next semester!

posted at 11:52:00 PM by Eugene

I failed my TP test terribly! 32 demerit points and 1 immediate failure! I am very disappointed with my performance as I usually do rather well in practise. I guess that nervousness got the better of me. Seeing the strict looking old men in white uniform is enough to make me feet shake. The rain does not make the situation any better. In the end, I fall off the plank, bike wobbles, fail to check blind spot and checking blind spot incorrectly. Falling off the plank I will accept it graciously. However, I do not understand why I deserve 18 demerits points. Didn't the cock eye old men see me turning my head?

I was really sadden by the results. It is the first time I tried so hard and failed miserably! My dreams of riding a motor bike to school when the school reopen is all being tarnish by those blind old men! @#@!#^%

posted at 11:44:00 PM by Eugene

Hi! I am updating my "spider web" infested blog! I will first talk about my Genting trip.

The hotel check-in process was terrible and there wasn't any instructions on checking-in at the huge lobby of the hotel. The information counter was empty and all I see when I first arrive at the hotel is a long queue which lead to a counter with the sign "PLEASE TAKE A NUMBER TO CHECK-IN". Any English educated person will of cause wait in the queue. After waiting 20 minutes in the queue, I was simply told: "You and go to the hotel counter to collect your keys." I was like 'WHAT THE HELL! I WAITED 20 MINUTES FOR NOTHING!' That's not all! I have to wait another 10 minutes until the hotel finally process everything and hand me the key! The lady serving us was taking her own sweet time and even chatting with her colleagues before handing me the keys! What a shitty hotel! By the way, the hotel is First World Hotel, the lousiest budget hotel in my opinion.

(I wanted to add pictures but after 15 minutes of failed attempts, I gave up)

The next morning, my dear and I decided to spend our time in the amusement park. My mood gotten quite bad when I see all the queues in the park. I have to fucking wait 30-45 minutes in order to ride a ride! That would means I would have spent almost 85% of the time in the amusement park waiting! Anyway, I manage to ride around 5 rides if I'm not wrong. Not that thrilling for me as I do not find the speed very fast. For the other rides, I decide to give up riding it after I saw the queues. Anyway, we decide to spend our money eating. I will talk more about our food later on in my blog. We also visited two attraction inside their indoor amusement park, the "Ripley's Believe it or Not" & "Van Helsing Adventure". The former is definitely worth it price as we remain inside the "Ripley's museum" for nearly 2 hours! The later is damn boring! We have to wear blurry 3-D glasses, hear sounds and only have one pathetic worker trying to scare the socks out of our toes. He/She was fairly successful doing their job on Cynthia. At night, we caught a movie, ratatouille.(I'm not sure about the spelling and lazy to check the spelling) I wanted the "Osim" seats but it was already sold out even when we bought the tickets early in the morning. In the end, we choose the premium seats. It is definitely "premium". The seats were hard as wood, no couple seats for me to cuddle up with Cyn. Lousy shitty cinema. Popcorn sucks too. We tried to get inside the casino but was chased out due to me wearing slippers.(Not because of my age, guess I looked too aged)

Next day, we played arcade and took a cable car down to I don't know where. The view in the cable car was "fantastic"! Clouds surround the cable car and the view was so foggy that nothing can be seen. The window shopped around the cable car station and there is even a mini zoo there. It boast that it have a collection of 300 over animals inside but "disappointingly", most of it were fishs and only afew animals. Perhaps I find fishes uninteresting because I do not appreaciate "marinalogy". Then, it was back at Genting, had our meal and window shop again. Finally, we went inside the casino(Guess I really look old) without any resistence from the security guards. The jackpot machines were not what I am expecting. Not those which will be filled with cash once a jackpot is being acheive but all the money will be crediting inside a card. I guess even casino have been advancing. We even visited a temple some distance away from Genting. That's about the highlights of the trip.

I have high expectation of the food there as Cyn told me malaysia food is super SHIOK! The higher the expectation, the higher the disappointment is very true! The service was also extremely bad at one of the restaurant, namely Spice Restaurant. It sells Indian crusine and I do not know whether they are racist or they look down on us because of our age but their service attitude is simply unacceptable! We were waiting for any one of the waiters to serve us at the entrance and none of them came forward to serve us! I was staring at all the waiters and I even manage to get eye contact with one of the waiter but that damn Indian waiter just look away quickly and hide in some corner! I'm not racist but I really find them %!%^&^!@#@.
Now, I will list the HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED restaurant
1 - Good Friends Restaurant
2 - Only Mee
3 - Yum Yum Chinese Restaurant
4 - KFC
1 - Lake View Restaurant
2 - Merry Brown
3 - Hong Kong Restaurant
My theory is that good food wouldn't be up Genting because if a chef is really so damn good, why the hell would he/she want to travel up Genting which is up in the clouds to cook?

Basically, the trip will be more enjoyable if there isn't any queues, racist waiters, cheaper food and nicer food. Looking forward to visit Malaysia again later this year. :)

posted at 10:24:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
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October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
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September 2006
October 2006
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December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
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August 2008
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November 2008
December 2008

Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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