My Rantings...
Eugene's Kbkb Place Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Today, while in the bus, i smelled someone using the DKNY perfume. I thought of her. I am angry with her but i really miss her at the same time. The first week of semester 2 should be the most free time i have this semester. Too bad this period of time is not spent with her.

posted at 10:11:00 PM by Eugene

Inside my throat there is this sticky sticky substance which I forgotten how to spell it. I think it is called "flam" but i checked and there word's meaning isn't what i intended. So i will just go on using the word "flam". As long as you guys know and i myself know can already.

Recently, the "flam" had been so bad that it will cause me to cough alot. It even caused me to vomit yesterday! There was another incident when the "flam" was so thick that it caused me some difficulty in breathing. I remember i was running to the MRT station because i am late and i couldn't afford to wait for the bus. Before i ran half of my journey to the MRT station, my coughing fit begins. I even coughed till my eyes are filled with tears. I want to see a doctor but i dunno where to see one or what to say to the doctor. After all, if i do not take care of myself who else will?

Today i cooked dinner. Dumplings in bitter gourd soup, steam fish and sunny side egg. Not too good and not to bad. There are alot of movies which I want to catch! I was thinking of watching a movie by myself yesterday however, i was afraid to watch a movie alone so i let it pass...

posted at 8:07:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I am in terrible mood today. The haze only worsen my mood. I got a headache and fever today. I did nothing to care for myself. In spite of all this, I still went out hunting for my slippers today. Finally bought a pair at Hereen. That's all...

posted at 11:15:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sometimes, no matter how i try to be happy, i just couldn't force myself to do so. There are bond to be some tiny mini problems which will cause my mood to slide all the way downhill. However, deep down, i do not even understand myself. I am simply too complicated. I think too much. There are certainly pros and cons but for me, everytime when i think, my blood pressure is most likely to raise.

Another thing i realise is that nobody really know me very well too. My character, my temper and my personality. I guess this includes my mother, my girlfriend and all my friends. Deep down inside my body, there is a troubled soul waiting to be rescued. For a long time, I thought that that poor soul will finally be rescued but it turned out to be just my own dreaming.

Behind everybodies' face is a mask. Take me for example, i may look happy on the surface but the actual me had never once been really very happy. The face behind the mask could look horrible beyond imagination so i prefer looking at masks instead of people's real faces.

If my readers know me very well, i am sure that they will know i am angry now! That is the fact right now - I AM ANGRY. I am angry with a certain somebody whom i have very high hopes for. The high hopes includes freeing my tormented soul from all the suffering and making my real faces a really smiling face. But alas, such a certain somebody does not exist. It had all been my own wishful thinking. So what if i am angry? I am not significant to anybody. No one will feel my anger or care about it. So what for be angry? It will only lead to high blood pressure, heart attack and mental problems. I will not care. No one is worth my care anyway...

posted at 10:08:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, October 16, 2006

I changed my wishlist! I decided to make my wish list more realistic and not those which I can get in my dreams.

posted at 2:44:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I am blogging and nobody is tagging on my board!!! My blog is indeed losing its popularity already.

The last two days working was purely like hell!!! My whole store was in a mess! Not a single corner in my store was neat and tidy. I am glad that this period is over. Now is another period - School. My wish list of this new semester.
1) Be the Class Rep
2) Getting a GPA of 3.7 and above
3) Have a fun and meaningful CCA

Okay... That is about my academic matters. Now to the happenings today. After work today, I went to Bugis to eat steamboat with my colleagues. They are treating me because of the good sales recently. I also owe them a treat but I do not know what to treat them. Wait till they tell me.

posted at 11:51:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Here I am blogging. I am trying not to think so much while i blog. Yesterday till today, whenever i am free, I wasn't thinking too much, I was watching videos on youtube! I was being captivated by the anime series of GTO and it capativated me so much that I wanted to watch the actual show being performed by live actors/actresses too! I am currently at episode 3 rite now. Hope I can have cable connection for some days so as to allow me to watch the videos without waiting too long for them to load.

Okay okay. I must blog all the good stuff! I want to start aviod thinking negative thoughts from now on. When there is unhappiness, I should not dwell too much on those. Positive thoughts will make me a better person. From now on, I will still think alot but I will not allow unhappiness to get the better of me. I make myself a promise which is I will live happily. Unhappiness can lead directly to death and other illnesses both mentally and psyciologically.

Good news No.1...
I got my results a long long time ago. I just do not want to boast my results on the web where everybody will have access to. But since i got nothing better to blog, I will include this topic into my post. Although it isn't that fantastic as those who gotten a GPA of 4, I am still satisfied with my grades. I took 5 core modules and 2 sub-modules. Out of the 5 core modules i gotten A for 4 of them. Out of the two sub-modules which I took, I gotten A for 1 of them. I will just list down all my modules for easy viewing.
Business management - B
Business Computing Appliances - AD
Written Business Communication - A
MarcoEconomics - A
Inroduction to Financial Accounting - AD
Individual & the Community - B+
Life Management Skills - AD
Overall, I got a GPA of 3.79. Funny to think of some of the grades which I gotten. For business management, I crap so much that I wrote 9 pages! 9 pages are definitely worth an A grade perhaps but I only gotten a B grade. To be honest, I was pretty disappointed. Another strange thing is that I got AD for life management skills! My life is in a mess and yet I could still be in the top 5% for that module. I do not know how to make my r/s, family & friends. My education, my social circle and my piorities and yet... Okay... That is all about my grades. I really hope that i can continue my good work the next semester.

Good News No.2...
I heard that my pay will rise from $5.00 per hour to $5.50 per hour. Additionally, I can still get a commission based on my total working days(provided that sales target is being hit). Wow! It is certainly music to the ears' of someone who is aimming to save $5000 after graduating from poly. Working had been fun lately. It may be tiring but it is at least better than stressing myself over school matters or arguing with my mother and my girlfriend. I get the chance to order people around because I am kinda senior over there. My colleagues were also very good to me. They treated for my meals ocassionally. Macdonalds for 2 or 3 times and Pizza Hut once. I am thinking of treating them back to repay them for their kindness. Another good news regarding my working life! I save $64 on my meals for the first week of OCT! I didn't spend a single cent on food the entire week. I strave myself by eating only one meal a day. The meals are mostly cooked at home or bread with some fillings. The good news is that I had saved some money. But there is also some bad news to me. Apparently, no one who was close to me was worried about my eating habits. Not even the ones closest to me. Then again, I promise myself to be happy. No more dwelling on unhappy thoughts.

Good News No.3
My mother bought a new handphone for me. HP Ipaq 6828. I am still learning to use it. I want to make it my utimate entertainment device and my utimate organising device! I am planning to get a bluetooth headset to listen to music. Together with my PSP and my digital cam, I might be the newest geek on the block. I am aimming to buy a new PSP game. Valaries Profile. I'm not sure whether I spelled it correctly but I am sure it is some where close.

However, life is full of ups and downs. There is one matter which left me very upset. My pearl white dead.(It is my white hamster!) Compared to all my other hamsters, I especially doted on this white hamster of mine. However, my dearest hamster refuses to eat and drink. I even took the initiative to feed it on my hands but it would only mumble on some of the food a leave a large majority of the food untouch. Sigh... I was extremely sad when it died but again, nobody know about my feelings. No consoles or anything.

There are also some happenings during the time between my last posting and my current posting.

Happening No.1
I went to Ubin island with my friends finally! We cycle to more parts of the island than we had perviously done before. This was the 4th time I ever set foot on that island. But I didn't really enjoy myself. I do not know why. Maybe I was too tired or I was too broke to enjoy that trip. Maybe I was thinking negative thoughts during that trip too! The effect of negative thoughts could be so terrible that it would stop someone from enjoying.

Happening No.2
I had a long drink with my pals. Beers are given by Aloysious. He provided 6 cans of henikien for that ocassion. We talked alot of stuff. I want to get drunk. Hopefully, I can be. I am thinking of going of going to pubs recently. Too bad I am underage and there is also nobody to accompany me there.

Happening No.3
I went back to my poly during the holidays for the national accounting quiz! Perviously, I was there as a student participating but this time round, I am there as a student helper! This event earned me a cool 4 CCA points!

Happening No.4
I went to the Zoo with Cynthia and some of her friends. This outing was better than pervious outings with them as they include me to their conversation more. I still find the it pretty boring as all the animals are too tamed. Just took afew photos there. After that, I joined them for a KTV session. MADNESS! They sang from 7pm to 6am!!! Cynthia and I left at 3am and we are already half-dead.

Sorry I couldn't give much information about my happenings because it happened so long ago that I forget most of the details. I will try to update more often since there are readers for my blog. I try not to include too much sadness in my posting. Maybe I will just keep all the unhappiness in myself. My Wish - Be Happy in Life. My Moto - Do whatever which will make me happy. Basically, I just want happiness.

posted at 11:44:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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