My Rantings...
Eugene's Kbkb Place Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Saturday, April 22, 2006

I went out with Cynthia the entire day. We had moments of high and low today. High was when Cynthia cooking breakfast for me, playing with my white hamster and joking with one another. However, there was more low moments for the day than high. But none of us wanted to argue so we stayed quiet. I just want to say that I do not want to be just another average guy. I want to make it big! I do not want to fellow into my father's footsteps. I want a better family for myself! I think I should deserve better. I know I am selfish but it is time for me to put my interest in front of others. I want to do things that I am happy doing and not doing things for others. I already wasted almost the entire of my childhood doing things for the sake of other people happiness. I haven't really enjoy what it is like to do the things I want to do. I hope you will be supportive and understanding. I already given up on my family to understand me. My only wish is the let my mother stay happy in her old age. The other things in my family is simply not my problem.

God had been cruel to me... I just hope that he will make up for it in my later stage of life.

posted at 11:13:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, April 21, 2006

Yeah!!! Orientation is finally over. The group I am in kind of represent "brokeback mountain" as my group is based in the wild wild west. Basically, my group is called Wild Wild Rodeo and I am in group 3. My orientation is spoilt a little by my soft-spoken group conprising of 15 freshy. However, the seniors were very enthusiastic in almost everything which makes my orientation a little better.

Day 1
The first day of orientation is basically filled with ice breaker games. The seniors made their introduction and the freshies did the same. However, my memory failed me on the first day was I could barely remember half of the names of everybody there. Officially, orientation should end in the early afternoon but as I was choosen as one of the performers, I had to go home in the evening. This is because we had to wait for the other groups from other courses to finish their orientation. While waiting, we played more games! That was the most fun time of the orientation because the people their were more outgoing and enthusiastic in the games than my orientation group. Finally, when all the choosen freshy to perform had gathered, the seniors tell us what is our performing item. It is line dancing! I am extremely bad at dancing thus I keep trying to persuade my seniors to let me off. However, the rain was on their side and it had me grounded in NP grounds till the rain stop. After spending sometime learning the dance steps, it have not change my belief that I am an extremely bad dancer so I manage to give some excuses to go home. By the time I reached home, I was tired out of my wits. After eating my dinner and bathing, I was immediately on my bed and snoring away.

Day 2
I was involved in a programme call the amazing race - Ngee Ann Style. I didn't know what that programme was about and I feel that this programme wasn't organised very well as there was errors here and there. People have to wait for their turn to play and the wait was pretty boring. Some members of my group are sulking because they have to walk around the grounds of NP under the scorning sun rays. Basically, I felt that the amazing race was a failure because not everybody enjoyed their full. There was also a CCA talk and some performance by the seniors. The CCA talk was actually to introduce the clubs and society in NP and to address the importance of CCA in our life in the future. The BA society, Idare Camp & Serve Cambodia project caught my attention. I am thinking how to tell them my interest in joining all those events.

Day 3
Today was simply a performance day put up by the freshies, seniors and lecturers. There was cheers by every group and awards were given out. My group won Mr And Mrs BA award & the best banner award. I thought that Wild Wild Rodeo will win the most enthusastic group award because my seniors was very competitive and keep shouting out cheers. But sadly, we didn't win. Anyway, a consolation for us that we are the group which won the most prizes! In my heart, I think that my group is the best group despite not winning the best group award.

Day 4
Today was the CCA fiesta day where booths were set up and CCAs were introduced to the freshies. A pretty boring day. I put my name in the registation form for Student Union and inquire about the adventure seeker club. Other than that, nothing interest me. I collected my Poly Ez-link card and left school. With this, the BAOC'06 (Business & Accountancy Orientation Convention 2006) had ended.

After leaving school, I went to find Cynthia. We went to watch the movie Reincarnation at the shaw house. Oh... I also saw stars there! Mediacorp stars! They are Pan Ling Ling and her husband(I forgot his name) and Mark Lee and his wife. We bought subway which we smuggle inside the cinema. The threate hall was pretty sucky and the movie wasn't too good either. The movie lack the scary part up the storyline was great. Overall, the movie deserve the 3 stars which I read in the newspapars and not 4 stars which I seen somewhere. After that, we went to eat beancurd at the famour Rocher Road store and she went home. (P.S. Cynthia... Sorry that I couldn't send you home as I do not want to make my friends impatient. I had stall them for a pretty long time and made them walking to and fro.) I went to Paradize Centre to wait for my friends there. They reach within a short period of them and I had the game of my life playing daytona with JiaMing. I recalled another thing. I was wearing my orientation shirt whichis yellow in colour and going out with my friends the entire day. JiaMing took one look at my shirt and laugh. This strengthen my belief that yellow make me look gay. Back to the Daytona game. We wasn't exactly competing with one another because we were laughing so hard through out the game that we arn't really concentrating on driving well. Haha... Lunatics playing arcade games. After the game, I went for supper with my friends, talk among ourselves and took a cab home because by the time we were finished, there was already no more bus service. I reach home at 2am++. Fall asleep soon after. This is what happen on friday after my orientation.

Ending off with a cheer...

Rodeo Rodeo is the best
Rodeo Rodeo is the best
Who's the Best??? Rodeo!!!
Who's the Best??? Rodeo!!!
Rodeo had won the war ( x3)
claps claps claps....

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, April 17, 2006

I wasn't intending to blog today but due to boredom and other factors arising because of the heavy rain today, I am blogging. My plans today was to play basketball till I drop but the rain spoilt all my plans. I wanted to cook but the the ingredients doesn't appeal me. I wanted to go to a supermarket to buy some ingredients but I do not have money. Maybe blogging and listening to music will help me pass the time quicker.

I want to The Cathay to watach a movie for the first time last Saturday. I watched Eight Below but the stuff I want to emphasis is on the newest Cinema in town. Eight Below was being shown in the Grand Cathay, the biggest threate hall there. The amosphere there was absolutely fantastic! The surroundings, the seats, the surround system and the arrangement was everything close to perfection. There was only one thing disappointing about that threate hall. The screen wasn't big enough as compared to GV Grand. Short-sighted me have to strain my eyes to see the subtitle clearly! So GV Grand still remains as my first choice for cinemas. But in terms of amosphere, GV Grand was nothing as compared to The Cathay.

On the same day, I went to paradiz Centre before watching the movie at The Cathay. Of course I am there to play Daytona USA II! I have another moment of glory there on that day. I beaten two Manual Cars using an Automatic Car in the advance course. Cynthia was seeing me competing. She commented that one of the manual cars was trying very hard to catch up with me which was to no avail. Sorry for being boastful but I have to say that they do not know who they are up against. I do not frequent that game machine for nothing. Anyway, thanks for the challangers to allow me to vent my anger on them ;p

I also went to a KTV in the heart of Chinatown last Friday with a couple of my friends. Initially, I wasn't in the mood to sing. But after sometime, I being singing my heart out. Thankz Cynthia for helping me with my mood problems. It had also been a long time since I went out with my friends. It was quite fun and I reached home at around 3.30 am.

Tomorrow is going to be the first day of NP orientation programme. I am kind of scared of mixing around with new people. Hopefully, I am no longer as anti-social as before.

posted at 3:56:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Orientation starts next week and School starts two weeks later and I am not prepared for all of it yet! My mind is in a mess now! Time-table is tight. Can't choose the CCA which I want because I have to work on their training day. Having serious financial problems. No savings no everything... How can I survive in the future? Everything is not going smoothly for me now... Argh!!! Why Singapore society demands so much from its citizens? Qualification & experience... I have neither... Argh... going to blow up!! How can i relax? Who can I relate my thoughts to? Can I express out my thoughts in words? Nah... I wanna go play daytona!!! Relieve out all my stress!!!

posted at 11:56:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, April 10, 2006

Last night, I boiled a big pot of black chicken soup all by myself! The name of the soup is Dang Dui Black Chicken Soup. I deskinned the chicken myself, chopped it into pieces by myself, washed the herbs myself, started the chaocoal by myself and boil the soup all my myself! Haha... It seems that I can't control myself saying "by myself" because it is considered an achievement by me. The first time I boil a herbal soup all by myself plus that herbal soup is my favourite! I choose to boil the soup using chaocoal because the taste of the soup will more natural as it is not "contaminated" by the smell of the gas. Hmm... Maybe I should drop writing essays and write some receipts here.

Today, I am suppose to stay at home all day. However, Cynthia fall sick at school and went home early so I went over her home to take care of her. The "care" include taking her to the doctor, cooking porridge for her and waking her up to eat medicine. Cynthia even praised me saying that the porridge I cooked taste nice. Haha... Thankz for the encouragement but I still feel that my porridge is nothing compared to the porridge at Ang Mo Kio. I must learn to cook as well as those hawkers thus satisfying my own stomach without travelling great distances. When home early because I promised my mother that I will cook dinner.

Upon reaching home, I started seasoning the pork and fish. By the time I was done, it was only 4 plus in the afternoon. Too early to start cooking dinner so I decided to play basketball to reward myself after one whole boring week. My shooting still sucks big time! I guess I have to practise more in order to improve my accuracy. After finishing playing basketball, I went home and starting cooking the dishes. Dinner time, there was 4 dishes cooked by me! Fried tofu fish, steamed pork, sunny side egg and kai lun with oyster sauce. There wasn't any bad comments regarding my dishes. My sister even call me to join shatec to learn cooking to be a chef! Maybe it could be another career path for me? Everything is possible isn't it?

I also have to make my decision whether to take private A level subject by tomorrow. The plan was to take 3 A level subject so that admission to university will be easiler. The 3 subject are Principles of Account, Economics & Math C. My plans for the future is simple. Be specialised in more than 1 field. Hence, my ambition is to take a double degree. I already decided on both of the degree which I wanted - Degree in Economics and Degree in Accounting. Will taking those A level subject help in achieving my aim? I got a day to decide...

The last section is the condemn a particular person. Anyone read the New Paper today? Apparently, a self-proclaim JC student had said that polytechnic students are childish and stupid in an online forum. What in the world! No one have the rights to label anyone stupid no matter how clever or intelligent that person is. In my opinion, the person who started this nonsense is the most childish of all. This incident reminds me of the past when I am in primary school. It is like children arguing with each other and calling each other names! This nonsense all stop when people start to mature. However, this particular person is still calling people names despite being in a JC! Isn't it disappointing that the JC in Singapore produces this type of student?

posted at 11:35:00 PM by Eugene

Saturday, April 08, 2006

I am now working in the internet cafe thus the computer is at my disposal. I plan to write another story because the comments on my previous story wasn't what I expected. I will write and rewrite until I get the perfect love story! However, I will just blog about what happened to me this week.

Firstly, I received alot of comments for my "sad story". They range from lame, common, funny to stupid. My idea of a perfect story is a story which is able to trigger a person's imagination, have the ability to touch someone and yet a small addition of humour here and there. However, based on my mastery of the English language, I am very regretful that I am unable to write a perfect story because my language isn't perfect too! However, I believe practise make perfect. I will keep trying until I receive positive comments on my story. Maybe my story will be that successful that it will be able to be published into a book? Haha.. I am day-dreaming in broad daylight.

Next, I am considering whether to continue on working at wintertime or work at the internet cafe or find another part time job which is completely new to me. I will list the pros and cons of each job. Maybe YOU can help me with my decision.

Pros- Good Staff, acceptable salary, working days negotiable.
Cons- Boring Job, long working hours, transportation home expensive.

Internet Cafe
Pros- Freedom, excellent working hours, easy job, access to computers and internet.
Cons- Pathetic salary, lousy experience

New Job
Pros- New surroundings, new experience, new colleagues, new lifestyle, staff purchases.
Cons- Salary uncertain, ablitiy to adapt.

The staff of wintertime had been asking me to continue working for a couple of times but I keep postponing my decision. If I were to continue working at wintertime, I plan that I will stay there for the next few years while I am studying at poly. But if i receive a extremely good job offer, it would be extremely difficult to turn the offer down too. I am just waiting for one such offer.

I have a brainstorm recently. The great Singapore sale is just around the corner and there will be great bargains and discount all over Singapore. If I were to work hard and earn as much money as I could before the great Singapore sale. I planned to buy a few more tees, a white pair of shoe and any irresistible bargains I could find.

Lastly, I think that arguement does not necessary bring a couple together. It could also have some devastating effect. I believe compromising is much more important than argueing. I hope all this will reduce...

posted at 10:35:00 AM by Eugene

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I have the sudden urge to write some essays. The urge to write sad and touching essays. I do not know whether I have the skills to write such an essay but I will still try.

Title - A Sad Piece Of Story
By - Eugene K

Delicated To everyone reading my Blog...

A had a longing for something... Something which will change his life for the better. However, everyone know that something special isn't just there were you could find easily. A know that too! He hunted for the special something for all his life to no avail. In the end, he came to a conclusion that what was meant for him will be his someday. Thus, he waited...

The special something appear one day in front of him in the form of a girl. The girl was kind, understanding and gentle. Her delicated features with her wonderful character immediately caught the attention of A. However, not only A was searching for the special something. Everyone who have not found their special something was still searching for them. The angelical girl seems to be the special something whick A was searching for. However, not only A was charmed by her, alot others are too! She had alot of pursuer and A thought he will never had a chance. He stood by her side all the despite suffering from heartache when she got attached to one of her pursuer. However, as people said, nothing could last forever. A realised that he will never have the chance to be with that angelic girl so he begin to fainting out of her sight.

After sometime, A was desperately finding something to replace his special something. He turned to drinking and was frequently seen at pubs near his home. One day, he was so drunk that he didn't know what he was doing and found himself awaking at a place very unfamiliar to him. Seems that one kind-hearted soul had seen him so drunk thus bringing him home and took care of him. He later found out that the kind-hearted soul was one of the waitress working in the pub. He started falling for her and take every possible chance to go to the pub and talk to her. After awhile, they started dating. Initially, both of them were very happy. However, as time passes, conflict and disagreement start to grow between both of them. Later, A found out the cruel truth - the bar waitress as only being with him due to greed of money and sympathy. Their relationship quickly sour up A was left all alone again.

After some time, A was told the the angelic girl was called B. His friends told him that B is single again. They said that B was being cheated and had loss confident in love. They urge A to quickly take actions to mend B's broken heart. However, A was too depress and emotionally scarred to take actions. He just spend his time wasting away, being a burden to society.

Not long after, news broke out that a girl named B was found dead at her own flat. The news hitted A hard! He immediately went to B's home after some enquiring from his friends. B's flat was dead quiet. He tried knocking on the door without any answers. Feeling that his suspicion was confirmed, he cried out at the door of B's home. He cried out every word which had been bottled up in his heart for so many years. Why he dare not pursue her because of his low self-esteem, how he had been there for her all this while, the regret of choosing someone to replace her, his foiling of the chance to mend her heart and how regretful he is at that moment. After A finally finished crying, he maded up his mind to stay beside B forever

Unknowingly, B was well and alive in her flat. The news report is of another person with the similar name as B's. B had heard every word which A had said outside her flat. She was deeply touched. She wanted to go out to hug the man which always been there for her without her knowing. She joyfully rush out of her flat just to be met with the sight of A jumping to his death at an opening right beside the staircase landing. B's scream was even louder than the sickening thump at the bottom of her flat...

Story completed... I think I wrote a pretty lame essay. All my ideas gotten from stupid movie and televison shows and some parts are from my brainstorm. Touching? Sad? Tragic? Stupid? Give me some comments. Anyway, I didn't check for any tense or spell error. Please forgive me if my language is very poor.

posted at 10:57:00 AM by Eugene

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I remember blogging about how meaning less I feel the word "sorry" is to me. The dictionary defination for sorry is "keenly sorry or regretful" and "having regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone". However, the word "sorry" seems to me as a word which will appear everytime whenever something does not seems right. Sorry, in my opinion have to be spoken with sincerity. However, the word came to me as a very casual word. Just bluntly spoken out of the mouth without much thinking. Actually, I feel that some matters can be solved easily without the word "sorry". How? Just by the purest sincerity and the willingness to accept the wrong with someone had done.

Some people have this misconception that sorry can be used at anything. In some matters, "sorry" isn't the appropriate word to use. Excessive of saying the word "sorry" is annoying and will cause someone to lose confident in the word "sorry". Naturally, one will start hating the word "sorry".

I do not know what am I talking about but whenever I held a promise I will keep it. I say that my voice wouldn't be heard that means it wouldn't be heard. Different people have different ideas on the seriousness of matters. Maybe a painful memory will be a handle lesson in life?

Maybe after saying so much about the word "sorry", I should basically go straight to the point instead of beating around the bush. I hate the word "SORRY!!" I think that I am thinking the word "SORRY" for granted already. I hear sorry here and there. Everyday, week and months. Can I stop this word from entering my ear? I think I am getting alleage reaction whenever I hear that word.

posted at 11:24:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

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Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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