My Rantings...
Eugene's Kbkb Place Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Friday, March 31, 2006

I started my day by preparing to go to my new workplace - a internet cafe at Lucky Plaza. Today will be the last day I am considered as a trainee and tomorrow I am prepared to handle the whole shop by myself. I am thinking of bringing storybooks, VCD and my PSP there to spend my time there. This way, the time will pass faster. Interesting fact - the working hour is only 5 hours. Means I can still spend half of my day enjoying myself! Isn't it cool? However, spending time without money can be quite difficult because everything requires money! So, I may as well stay at home, eat instant noodles and play basketball once in awhile.

After work, I received an SMS from Jia Ming. He said that there was a levi's sale going on in Taka. Initially, I did not believe him as he told me he bought a jeans at only $25 which is far too cheap for a branded jeans. Even the jeans in Queensway Shopping Centre is sold at $30++. But it wouldn't hurt to take a look so I went there with Cynthia to hunt for a good bargain. We were not disappointed when we reach there as there were indeed levi's jeans selling for prices ranging from $15 to $99. However, there are just as many people as KIASU as me thus making the shop extremely crowded! We even have to wait to get inside the shop. Inside the shop was rampage! Customers pushing each other and ransacking the jeans nicely folded in cartons. The poor staff have to fold and arrange the jeans every few minutes. Anyway, I indeed got a good bargain. I bought 2 jeans at a total of $65, even cheaper than the cheapest levi's jean I bought. Cynthia also bought a jeans for her brother's girlfriend. Seems that everyone who go inside the shop couldn't resist not to buy the jeans.

Satisfied with the bargain we bought, we finally went for dinner. I didn't eat much as I wanted to save money. I ended up sharing a plate of sweet & sour fried fish with rice with Cynthia. It wasn't filling enough for me but this is me when I am broke. Scrimp and save on everything possible.

We went to watch a movie next at shaw house. We wanted to watch Dorm at first but there as no screening of the movie there so we switch to watch Fragile. The movie was about a nurse who couldn't bear to leave one of her paitients so much that she murdered her and herself commiting sucide later because the doctors wanted to take the girl overseas to give her treatment. Her spirit love the hospital and her children patient so much that her spirit continue roaming on the second floor of the hospital where she used to be in charge of. Her love of the hospital turned out to be haunting for the children patients staying there. It will be an interesting movie if I really catch the storyline. What I said just now was only a rough idea on what really happened.

At night, I went to meet up with Jia Ming and Mark to ensure that we haven't bought the same jeans as each other. We ate at a hawker centre beside Great World city and chatted for awhile before going home. Mark gave me a lift home as his cab as going along the way.

posted at 10:46:00 AM by Eugene

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Today morning, I did something which I haven't done for a very long time which is playing my favourite sport - basketball. Some others also joined me early in the morning to play that sports. To be exact, there are 6 of them including me. While playing basketball, we talked about old times at school and discuss about our future life in polytechnic. That was roughly what happened during the morning.

In the afternoon, I went to pick Cynthia off from school. I was quite unhappy that Cynthia ask me to send her home despite her knowing that I am very busy for today. After throwing my temper, I finally consented. I couldn't be angry forever right? She whipped out a meal for me to eat before I went to meet my friends at Ngee Ann poly. Long time since I ate instant noodles.

I took a cab to NP because it is raining very heavily. I picked my friends along the way. I went to configure my laptop at NP so that I could log on to the wireless internet access at NP. I explored NP for awhile before going home.

posted at 10:21:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Finally!! I am using my new laptop to blog this newest post. My Fujitsu laptop. My mother finally consented to buy this $2.9k laptop for me.

The starting point for this post is on the morning of 26 march 2006. This is a special day because it is my 1 year anniversary of me and Cynthia being together. It is also one of the busiest morning I had for a long time to come. I woke up early in the morning to watch cartoon. Actually, I wanted to use the volume of the televison to wake my mother up so that she can go with me to the Fujitsu roadshow. My mother took sometime to realise my scheme but nevertheless, she still agreed to go to Funna IT mall where the roadshow is being held at with me. I could choose other days to go there but 26th is the day the roadshow will end so I had no choice but to put my mother there early in the morning. I spotted a laptop in the newspaper the previous night and after some consideration about specs of the laptop and whether the price will be worth the buy, I decide to push my mother to buy the laptop for me instead of the Acer laptop I had been eyeing. I choose Fujitsu instead of Acer because of their quality. Fujitsu's quality is definetely better because of the fact that all it's laptop is being made in Japan. My pushing of the laptop to my mother turns out to be easiler to be what I expected. My mother just tell me that she will buy the laptop for me provided I study hard. That was very easy to agree as I myself wanted to score well so that the local university will accept. The deal was quickly finalised and I carried my laptop home.

Upon reaching home, I leave my newly bought laptop in a location safe from damage and exposal to sunlight. Then, I quickly took the cab to Coasta Sand(Paris Ris) because I am meeting Cynthia there and I do not want to lose any precious time with her. As I am the one who reached the chalet first, I being to arrange the furniture around so as to prepare for my "surprise" for her. Having done that, I went to hide the items which I am using for the surprise. I did some tidying up and soon Cynthia arrived at the chalet. I went to pick her up at the taxi stand as she had alot of BBQ stuff to carry. In a short while later, we were making ourselves comfortable at the chalet. I bought some VCDs to watch but unfortunately because of bad handling and old age, the one of the disc of the VCDs I bought cannot be played. We ended up watching a television programme on channel U. While Cynthia was watching the television, I was setting up the BBQ fire. I setted up the fire in less than 20 minutes! Compared to the 1 hour Cynthia's friends spent to start their BBQ, I could say that I had done a very good job. However, it turned out to be a "too good" job. The BBQ fire was blazing so strongly that it makes applying honey and butter onto the chicken wings very difficult. The heat was so strong that the moment I put my hand near the BBQ pit, I can feel the heat. Haha... Actually, the reason of my success in setting up the BBQ fire is because I added 20 fire starter to the BBQ pit. Nevertheless, I continued on with the BBQing despite my fingers already turning bright red as a result of "BBQing" my hand. The food turned out to be still edible despite being deeply "chao ta". I ate alot of chicken wings and all the chips I bought for the chalet was finished by midnight. Remember about my little "surprise"? I carried out my surprise while Cynthia went to bath after the BBQ. I lit candles all around the chalet and even had a message spelled out purely using candles. It was very beautiful! It was a brainstorm which I had out of nowhere. Cynthia was at a lose of words when she saw what I had done. We spend the next hour appreciating the beauty of the lighted candles and when around taking photographs. Everything was so dream-like yet I manage to do it in reality. I will upload the pics in my next post ;p This chalet was one of the best I ever had for a long time to come. I think I will remember this day forever. Oh ya.. Jia Ming & Jun Ping met us later that night and spent the night at our chalet watching VCD, chatting and slept at our chalet. That was what happened at the chalet which I opened just for my 1 year anniversary with Cynthia. I think she will also remember this special day forever.

Lastly, I got a new job. Kuan Long recommended me a job in an internet cafe. The pay is $4 per hour which is pathetic. However, this job offers me alot of freedom to do what I want while working. I could read storybooks, play computer, surf the net and might even revise my poly stuff in future there. The working hours are also great! I can get off at 8.30pm so that means I will have enough time to go out with Cynthia at night. After some consideration, I accepted the job. Maybe I could earn up to $300++ as my allowance during poly days. I have to sleep now. There are alot of plans going on tomorrow.

posted at 9:35:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, March 24, 2006

Yesterday and today was my working day. It was extremely boring as there were no customer and my senior was all busy with stock-taking. I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to slack but eventually, the boredom got the better of me and I asked my supervisor to find something for me to do. Wondering whether should I continue at Winter Time or switch to a more busy and fast-paced job. I been searching the newspaper for a suitable part-time job and unfortunately, I couldn't find any. Why hold a part-time job while studying? I could say that I am desperate for money. I had no allowance now and working could be my only source of money. (There is still gambling but it is too risky)

There are also some customers which I want to label them as weirdos! There is a customer entering the shop enquiring for bedsheets. Any normal people will know that a winter shop doesn't sell other stuff other than winter wear! Next, there was this aunty who wanted to buy a thermal wear (aka long john) because she feels that the hospital air-condition is too cold. Would any normal people wear long john in a topical island like Singapore? There are bound to be some better ways to keep ourself warm. Lastly, there was this decently dressed couple who looks quite well off. Remember the old proverb - don't judge a book by its cover? It is indeed true! They entered the shop and found a bag which they wanted. They spotted a minor damage in the bag and kick up a fuss demanding for a discount. I mean the bag only cost $15. How can this price fetch a good quality bag? Weirdo customers again.

Now I am considering which laptop to buy from my polytechnic. I asked my mom to buy a $2.5k laptop and she scolded me saying she doesn't print money. Annoyed by her, I just keep mute. Maybe keeping silent is the best way to calm ourselve down in an arguement. Maybe I would voice out my unjust here. Initially, I wanted to buy a Fujitsu laptop which is price at an average $3k++. I feel that it is too expensive so I decided to buy from my polytechnic where the price is much cheaper. Comparing the prices, the price of the fujitsu laptop is a far cry from the laptops sold at my polytechnic. Nevermind. I am already used to my mom's attitude.

Finished blogging. Going out with Cynthia tomorrow. Byee

posted at 11:03:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Intending to go jogging in the morning (8am to be exact) with Jia Ming. However, both of us overslept and we ended up playing basketball at 10am. It feels weird to be playing basketball in the morning because all my muscles are so tense up that I have difficulty moving my body. I guess I can call this "lazy boy illness". Anyway, I manage to make a few nice shot after warming up for awhile.

After playing basketball, we went back to my home. Jia Ming wanted to add some new songs inside his PSP and noticing that I had recently bought a few new CDs, he sprang to the chance. Anyway, I changed his entire playlist. The songs inside his PSP were initially "hip hop" and "rock" songs but after my session with his PSP, the songs turned into sentimental songs instead. I have a few excellent oldies which I manage to discover while ransaking my cupboard of old CDs last night. I hate to say this but there is no way the songs now can be compared to the good O'oldies. Intending to test those songs on Cynthia & Jun Ping if there is a chance as they are both very good in guessing songs. I think the oldies I have will certainly leave them clueless. I bathed and soon was on my way to Jia Ming's home.

When I was at Jia Ming's home, there was only on word that can tell you what happened there. The word is "BORING"! His home was particularly empty with the exception of a HiFi system and a TV. There was nothing else I can do in his home except finding a comfortable seat on the sofa and watch the equally boring afternoon show. Luckily, I didn't spend long there as it would have been hell for me.

We wentto IMM next to exchange his VCD. He told me that he bought a VCD there while does not include one of the disc so he have to return there to exchange for a new piece. The tone of his voice while telling me that was extremely funny! Wasted my transportation fare travelling there.

The next location was Funnan IT mall. We took the shutter bus to Clementi MRT station and exchange to bus service 147. Before that, we alight at West Coast Road to have our lunch there. How we ended up there was a very funny afair. We were playing with our PSP on the bus and we thought we missed the drop off point at Clementi Mrt station so we quickly alight there. Realising that the bus had not passed Clementi, we ate our meal there and hop on to the next shutter bus to go to Cementi. 2 free bus ride =p Anyway, I ate the award winning duck noodles at the West Coast Road which wasn't as fantasic as I expected. My purpose of going to Funnan was to find a cheap Fujitsu laptop. My trip there did not rip and fruits as the cost of an average fujitsu laptop cost $3000++. I have no choice but to settle on the Acer laptop offered at NP. I regreted not choosing SP as that poly is one of the poly offering Fujitsu laptop whereas Np only offer Acer, Dell & Thinkpad. None of them is my dream lappie but I have no choice. For the sake of saving some money for my mother, I choose a 2000++ lappie from Acer.

From Funnan, we went to Bugis to pay a visit to Jia Ming's girlfriend, Jun Ping. After spending a short time there, we went to Paradiz Centre to play some games. Without fail, our choice of game was Daytona USA II. I appears that I stolen all the lighting from Jia Ming as I beat him 4 times in a row after him winning from during the first match. Anyway, Paradiz Centre is definitely my favourite hangout. Nothing much happened later and I am home at around 9 plus..

Have a very long post today. I guess it is all from all those paragraphing that I included. Till I blog again...

posted at 11:26:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I didn't do much in the morning except watching the same old cartoons on Kids Central. I am still a kid despite my age and my favourite channel is still Kids Central. Haha.. I am the "old" kid.

In the afternoon, I went to fetch Cynthia from school so that we can rush to watch the movie on time. She requested for me to bring my jacket so that she will not have to wear her school uniform outside of school. In order to wear my jacket comfortably, I have to wear a thin piece of clothing so that I wouldn't feel too warm wearing the jacket. So, when I reach her school and took off my jacket so that she will not get wet from the rain, she commented that I am very skinny. Wow! There is what good intention brings. I am forced to disgrace myself for the sake of her being able to wear the jacket and how ungrateful she is! =D Cynthia... You should go do some reflexation. We took bus no. 970 to Great World City for our movie. The bus went by my school and it certainly brings me back some memories when some of the queenstownian boarded the bus. We reach Great World City earlier than we expected. We bought the ticket for "Yours, Mine & Ours" and proceeded down to the food junction for our meal. The food there was very expensive! Imagine having to pay $1 for a plain roti prata? It is daylight robbery! Anyway, I ordered something else to eat and Cynthia ordered Yong Tu Fu. We finish eating and went to the supermarket to shop for our snacks for the movie. We bought a whole pizza! We are getting more and more daring in taking outside food into the threates. Previously, we bought a whole chicken inside the threate =p Have to think of other food to bring inside the threate. Can somebody tag on my taggie board to give me some suggestion? Anyway, After the movie, I sent Cynthia home. On the way home, we crossed the road despite the red light. We were caught in the act by her brother! He said " Anyhow cross the road ar..". This gave me a shock! Anyway, I sent Cynthia home safely. I took the bus and I am home within 50 minutes.

posted at 10:18:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, March 20, 2006

I said I will be actively blogging but I appears to have break the small little promise of mine. Let me recall what happened recently. I watch movies, alot of movies. The list includes Big Mama's House, Date Movie, Shaggy Dog, Nanny Mcphee and Creek. The hits are Big Mama's House, Shaggy Dog and Nanny Mcphee. This is because this 3 films are capable of make your face filled with tears of laughter. There are also the emotional parts during the movie which adds to comedy. Whereas the misses are Date Movie and Creek. Date Movie was a disappointment as it didn't turn out to be the movie I expected it to be. The movie was too fast pace and completely unrealistic with additional of cruel humour. Laughing at the expense of others. Creek was even worst. I only have a word to label it - Boring.

I also booked a chalet for my one year anniversary with Cynthia. I have alot of exciting plans but it is all limited to how much my bank account have to offer. I had seen her gift to me and she had seen my gift for her. We will be exchanging those gift on that day itself. I want to reveal a secret here. Actually I wanted to learn to play a guiter in time so that I can play it for her to listen on 26 march under the moonlight at the beach. However, due to time constrain and limited cash, I have to abort that plan. But I am still going to learn to play it sooner or later. In the chalet, they will be many chicken wings to eat. I am hungry just to mention them. I cant hardly wait!

Another matter is the polytechnic enrolment. I couldn't understand much of what the enrolment letter was saying. The polytechnic fees also shocked me! A whooping 1K! I have to pay the same amount for 3 years. I could buy so many stuff with the money! But for the sake of education and the precious certificate the Singapore's society demand, I have no choice. I am also in a dilemma as to choosing a laptop from the polytechnic itself or buy it outside. I was planning to buy fijitsu laptop but my polytechnic do not offer this partical brand. I am going to Funnan IT mall to shop of a cheap and good laptop. If I couldn't find one, I will have to settle on a laptop at the Polytechnic. A 2.35kg baby. It is labelled under ultra-portable but the weight gives me the suspicion that it is quicky troublesome to bring around. Other than the weight, the Acer laptop is a excellent choice considering it price for its specs.

Later I am going to play basketball since I am so free today. Cynthia is at school studying and I am off from work today. What else can I do?

posted at 2:16:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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