My Rantings...
Eugene's Kbkb Place Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I am going to start things off on a lighter note.

I woke up early in the morning despite that day being my off day. I was very soon fresh and alert and soon on my way shopping. I went to Fairprice to buy some food to cook of myself, my family and my beloved because my fridge is nearly empty. I bought Fish, Pork & 2 Vegetables. Anyway, when I reached home, I found out that it is to early to start cooking so I decided to watch one of the VCDs which I bought during CNY eve. While watching, I was preparing the ingredients so that I will not to too busy when I am cooking. After all, being organised is always good. But the time the VCD ended, I finished cooking 2 dishes. Not wanting Cynthia to eat unfresh food, I proceeded on to cook the next two dishes. Very soon, I was on my way delivering home-cooked food to her. It seems that my cooking touch wasn't gone yet. The food I cooked was still edible. I am not boasting but I have to say that the food I cooked taste quick nice in fact. After finishing her meal, Cynthia went back to work. I shop around Orchard while waiting for her to get off from work. I bought tickets for Final Destination 3. Finished the movie at around 8 plus. Shop with Cynthia for around 1 hour and I am to go for supper with my colleague. Afraid that I will be late if I take the MRT, I alighted from the MRT to take a cab. In the end, I spent around 55 minutes trying to hail a cab. That was not all! I trying to book a cab from 4 different company but it was all to no avail! The line was engage through-out my 20 minutes of calling! What would they want to have a taxi booking service when they couldn't even have a proper booking system? The purpose of people taking cabs is to shorten their transportation time and avoid the crowd. I could easily reach my destination half an hour earlier if I taken the MRT but I took twice the time on this ocassion! Honestly, I am very disappointed with public transport. Taxi still have a long time to go before achieving good standards. Newspaper have dozens of report about dishonest taxi drivers who went by a longer route oblivion to their customers just for the sake for a few extra cents. Taxi drivers who choose customers instead of the first come first server piority are also another on my hitlist. I experienced an ocassion when I was waiting for cab at Marina Park. There was this taxi which was driving in a land closer to where I was waiting. I was flagging for the taxi but to my disappointment, the taxi shift to the further land. I thought that the taxi was driving to a different location but to my horror, it stopped to pick up passenger at the opposite walkway. The passengers are girls who are wearing quite revealing tops while I am dressed in normal t-shirt and jeans. Could I say that the prevertic nature of the taxi driver prompted him to choose the females passenger rather than me with my plainly dressed company?

At night, I had a meal together with my colleague. The meal was to repay Ken's steamboat treat around a month ago and to bid 2 other part timers farewell. I arrived late of course because of the taxi incident. My colleague were very forgiving and didn't blamed my for being late. They even leave some food for me! It was very thoughtful of them. After we finished the meal, Ken gave us a ride home. Unexpectedly, Esther and Linda both had prepared a gift for me! A goodbye gift perhaps? Esther gave me oil wipes and Linda gave me chocolates. How thoughtless of me not to prepare a gift for them also. Really thank you for the gift. I reach home at around 12 plus and I was asleep soon.... Zzz...

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I was very very mad yesterday night! I wanted to blog down all my feelings but I found them to be quite undescribable. I do not know what was exactly the reason which triggered my anger. I didn't know because my mind was filled with dozens of thoughts - Betrayer, Disappointment, Cheated & many more. I just could put those thoughts into words. Never had this happened to me before. I will try to forgive but it is certainly quite difficult to forget. Anyway, Happy 11th month anniversary to Cynthia & me...

posted at 9:46:00 AM by Eugene

Friday, February 24, 2006

I going to continue from yesterday's post...

Fourth major happening is the choosing of courses during the JAE period. I only had 5 days to think of which course to choose. Scoring very well for my examination, I was naturally spoilt for choices. I had meet almost every courses entry requirement and their cut-off-point so getting into the course of my choice shouldn't be much of a problem. Majority of my choosen courses were related to business with some exception coming from IT and Media. Actually, I was considering between only two courses - accountancy & media and communciation. After asking for many opinion ( to the extent of my cousin's friends studying in poly ), I finally made up my mind in accountancy. Reasons? I am good with numbers and I had an interest in that course. ( Actually I heard it will be quite boring ) There are also some cons in choosing Media Com as I predicted I have to be really hardworking to compete in the group of students in that course. That particular course has a very high COP thus representing that all the "elites" are in that course. Afraid of the competition, I decided not to put that course as my first choice. I also heard that a diploma in Media & Communication will only open up a career path in the media sector which isn't my cup of tea. Anyway, I already register for JAE. No matter what the outcome will be, I hope that it will brighten up my future. Lastly, I want to thank everyone who had given me their percious advices.

Lastly, it was me being hospitalised. I did not remember when was the date when I was admitted but I recalled it to be a scary affair. I was at home when suddenly rashes were spreaded all over my body. I also had breathing difficulty. Not knowing what to do, I drank a bottle of Essense of Chicken. I thought that the herbal drink will be of some help to me but unfortunately, the rashes continued to stay on my body and my breathing turned from bad to worse. I immediately called Cynthia but to my dismay, she didn't really show much concern to me. I had no choice but to wake my mother up and tell her about my situation. Initially, she was completely apathetic about my situation until I had pestered her long enough. She immediately got changed and accompanyed me to SGH as all the clinics were close at night. It was almost midnight when we reached the hospital. Cynthia only sounded more worried after I told her I had to remain in hospital for a night. In the hospital, I recalled an unconsious bloody man lying on a bed beside mine and nurses pushing the beds of some elderly very quicky to different wards. Frightening as I had to stay in the same ward as them and I wasn't terminally ill! The scarest part come when the doctor came with a needle in his hand. It was injection time! I withstand the pain when the needle was pierced into my skin. That wasn't finished! The nurse came again the second time and inject another substance inside my body causing my body to be numbed with pain. I was very soon tired and fall asleep. I swear I will never go inside the hospital again unless I am very very ill.

I couldn't think of any major happenings so I guess I will just blog what happened today.

I have to work as usual today. My leg was very sore due to playing sports yesterday namely jogging and basketball in particular. I couldn't believe I could last the entire day working. Work today was pretty boring as there were very little customers. Cynthia also went to her friend's BBQ today was it was her friend's birthday. She told me that she will be reaching home before 10 despite me telling her it will be impossible. I was right in the end. Nevermind, I am used to being disappointed. I didn't really ask her much question regarding what happened at the BBQ as I tried not to be so dominating. I guess it will be good to give each other some space some time. Nothing interesting happened today so I guess I will stop my post here.

posted at 10:14:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I have tons and tons of stuff to blog about after being absence from the blogging scene for roughly two months. What are the major happenings?

Firstly, there is the release of the O level results which I had taken in 2005. The moment when I stepped into the school hall, a wave of anxiousness immediately engulfed me. The atmoshpere was very tense although some tried to calm everyone down by cracking jokes. When the principal stepped up the stage, the hall was understandably quiet. I will only mention the stuff which affect only the Secondary 5. It seems that we have done better than our senior ( those whom took the O level in 2004 ) by a small margin. This would definitely push Q.T.S.S to higher levels. The Secondary 5s have done well in practically every subject other than English & Chinese. There was only 69% passes for english and everybody start panicing as English is the most important subject. There were tears of joy and sadness after the teachers finally released the results slips to us. Mine tears were genuine form by joy as I scold VERY VERY well. Let me list my results - 1 merit and 4 distinction for 5 subjects taken. I even passed my CLB! I was completely overwhemled by happiness and satisfaction. Happiness is when I saw all the As on my result slip and satisfaction is when I finally realised all my hard work while studying for the O levels had finally paid off. That was also my proudest moment in school, standing up the acknowledge that I am among the top 4 in school. It was then when I finally knew what was mean by "euphoria".

Secondly, there was Valentine Day. I spent that day working from 11am to 7.30pm. Immediately after I got off from work, I went to the florist to collect my 18 bunches of flowers. They were seating majestically in the shop as it was one of the largest bunches. I took the flowers and being my quest to deliever the flowers to HER as quickly as possible. The only solution I had was taking a cab as taking the train or bus would certainly take a longer time. However, I was wronged. I waited 20 minutes for a cab to no avail. I ended up booking a cab send me from Jurong East To Orchard. The cab fare was a whooping 15 bucks! 5 bucks was from the booking fee and 10 bucks was for the travelling fare. It is consider worthwhile was it saved me from the stares of other passangers if I was taking public transport. When I alighted from the cab, I was surprising calm although I was holding the flowers. Possibility? Either I am experienced or I felt honoured to be holding such a large bouquet of flowers. I presented the flowers to her at her working place. I couldn't tell whether she was shocked or she expected the bouquet but she sure looked happy. I have not seen her grim and smile to herself for such a long time. It really soothen my mind and melt my heart. Hopefully I can see more of this in the near future. After she finished working, we took a stroll along Orchard Road. I bought 7 heart-shaped ballons as she requested for them. Carrying the bouquet of flowers and the ballons readily made us the centre of attraction ( if not almost ). Later, we went to Marina Park. We choose a comfortable location and spent almost an hour there. It was quality time spent from my point of view as both of us had been working and rarely have time for each other. In conclusion, I can only say that it is a very eventful night.

Thirdly, there was the chalet organised by my friends. I went to the chalet at night as I had to work on that day and I didn't want to take too much unpaid leave. Initially, I thought I was meeting only Pegan & Jun Ping but in the end, I ended up meeting 3 girls. The "extra" girl was Yong Seing's sister. It was better in a sense that I do not have to pay more for the cab fare as the cab fare to the chalet was shared among 4 person. Surprises and surprises... the moment we approach the chalet, we were met by a group of drunks. Worse of all, they are my friends! I could believe my eyes. Guess this is part of growing up. I am going to get drunk sooner or later too as I want to know what does it feels like when I am drunk. Hope courisity doesn't kills. The next day was somewhat different as there are different activities. Firstly, there was football where I scored a GOAL! Lousy player with a lucky feet I guess ;p That was enough to drain the energy out of me. I went back to the chalet to rest and by evening, we were going cycling - my favourite hobby! But it was pretty boring as we didn't go exploring but just sticking to the same old route which we cycle everytime we had a chalet at Paris Ras. No complains through. On the night itself, my friends decided to do something daring - going to OCH aka old changi hospital. I didn't go but I heard some unfortunate friends of my caught sight of spooks there. Scary isn't it? Luckily I didn't go as I decided that I want to be as fresh as possible when I meet Cynthia the next day. The next day, I shared a cab with Samuel & Hong Gim to meet Cynthia. What else happened later on that day? I forgotten :) blog another day perhaps? This entry is pretty long already.

posted at 6:21:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
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December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
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December 2008

Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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