My Rantings...
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Thursday, December 29, 2005

I heaved a sigh of relief after work today. Why? I am been continuously working for 8 days!!! It is even worse than studying. If I was studying, I would at most spend 6 hours studying a day which includes break. Whereas if I was working, I would spend 10 and a half hour working which includes a hour break. However, the burden of studying is certainly much more than working ( currently at my stage; couldn't be sure of work in the future ). So on my off day, I will try to organise my time so that I can enjoy all my plans. Firstly, I must exercise, either biking or basketball. I would prefer basketball than cycling but both are my hobbies. Likely, I am able to balance both my hobbies. I agreed to go cycling with my biking buddies with a condition that they are to play basketball with me. Haha.. Sorry if they do not have any interest in basketball but my hands are really itching for some actions =)

What else can I do on my off day? I will not get my salary today as expected so I have to starve tomorrow. My plans of buying a sling bag are cancelled. Maybe this could be good as it will prevent me from buying anything on impulse. I heard of a store which sells sling bag which are unqiue, far from the crumpler trend which had been going on for quite some time. I am quite certain that I will go down Wisma to take a look as I am really in need of a smaller bag with my cupboard filled with big and bulky big which are unsuitable for casual ocassions.

Another matter of worry. I might miss the edusave merit bursary awards presentation ceremony if my company is unwilling to let me off for that day. Hopefully, MOE will kindly post the award to me to save me the trouble of going down to Radin Mas CC. This will help me save a couple of cents for my transport fee. If I am able to take off for that day, I might have to work for 7 days straight. Then, I will soon have an entry in my blog - 7 days working marathorn. Haha... Hopefully everything will go according to my favor.

I am going to conclude here. I have a book to finish; the book is going to be due soon. I will blog about tomorrow's happening soon.

posted at 10:42:00 PM by Eugene

Why on earth am I blogging in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping after a tiring day at work; this really puzzles me. I have to work tomorrow before I will enjoy my off day on friday. I have to endure 8 straight working day despite being a greenhorn in the working sector. I had fallen sick several times this week in the process of the 8 day working marathon and I am really looking forward for my off day. I suffered from stomachache, giddiness, slight fever and even muscle pains! All the suffering for the sake of having sufficient money to lead a decent life. No concern whatsoever from anyone except from my colleages, saddening isn't it. Anyway, work had been fun yet boring. It is going to be the off peck season in the travelling business and this will directly affect those enterprise which is selling winter wear. My colleages are already complaining and are considering to find a new job if it continues to be so boring.

Anyway, I passed my birthday and chrismas day without any memorable incident. I am slightly unpleased with alot of things. I do not hope to eleborate too much on it because I rather spend my time brooding on some complicated plot which I read in a storybook. Currently, I have almost finished reading Dracula. I also borrowed a biography of Vlad Dracula from the library. It appears that Court Dracula was only a make believe character by Bram Stroker. I believe many will be surprised by the fact that Dracula was actually Vlad Dracula, nicknamed Vlad the impaler, who was a historical figure who fought many wars in the past. He was well respected by many people despite the fact that he is a saddist. I guess this is enough information. If you want to find out more information, you can search the net or try borrowing a book from the library.

Good news in this paragraph! I will be getting my salary on 0000 in the 24 hour clock on 29 december ;) Let me think of my shopping list - a sling bag, levi's jean and a belt. A fixed amount of my salary will be used for my personal expenses and transportation fee. The excess will be divided into two parts - one for my mother & the other for my savings. Haha. Isn't it surprising that I am actually doing some financial planning? I used to spend money which having a second thought. This is because I never know the pain of earning money thus I can spend it so freely. I need money for so many purposes in the future - vintage convertor cars, terrace houses, marriage money and this could go on forever. If I do not save now, when can I ever afford all those items? So I should spend considerably now.

Anyway, my home is now less of two hamsters. I had given them to Linda. Hopefully, the hamsters had found a caring and responsible owner.

Now to conclude this entry in my blog, I will briefly explain my thoughts recently. I felt that everything had changed, even myself. The belief which I held for such a long time have been put into question. I made a resolution and I have decided to give myself another chance. You could say that I am boasting but I feel that I had experience alot of matters, especially unhappy matters, although I am still at this young tender age. I had done wrong and I pray for forgiveness. I think I better sound less distressing =) There is also some items I wish to include in my blog. I would really like to thank Tian Guan, Linda, Jia Ming, Shirley, Jun Ping, Jessica & Jiayun for remembering my birthday. Lots of thanks to each and everyone of you. You really brightened up my birthday. I received gift from Esther and Jiayun. Really thanks alot. It is really appreciated as no one had really put into their consideration about my birthday previously.

posted at 12:21:00 AM by Eugene

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I just want to vent out all my frustration on my blog now so as to calm myself down. It is just moments away from my birthday and I do not want myself to be angry at that point of time. Why couldn't my decision be heard of? Why is it that I respect your decision and yet you never respected mine? Isn't something known is mutual respect in the dictionary? Everything which you had done is just to please yourself at the expense of my feelings. I kept it all bottled up pretty well and I am fed up now. You love to make me angry because you enjoy the feeling of irritating me! This reason is fantasic isn't it? Maybe mutual respect is when I am fed up, you will also get fed up with me. This is your version of mutual respect? I thought compromising is still the main ingredient in relationship in this generation but time and time again, I was proved wrong. There is still alot of unhappiness bottled up inside me. I hope that this accumulated anger will be eased tomorrow on my birthday. Another hour....

posted at 10:48:00 PM by Eugene

Okay okay... I was not actually touched my an angel but by my colleages. I had passed 16 years of birthday alone without any surprises until this year. What had they done? Basically, they just planned a celebration for me without me knowing. They bought a cake, sushi and bua kua. I was really shocked and pleasantly surprised. When I was in school, no one really bother about my birthday to give me presents or just well-being wishes for me. I would really like to thank each for my colleages for their effort to make my birthday more interesting this year. I really hope that on my birthday itself, I will receive another surprise from someone really special in my heart. Actually, I do not really expect much for my birthday. I just want to spend my time in a quiet environment doing what I wish without any disturbance from anger and sadness. I hope this simple request is able to be worked out.

posted at 10:27:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, December 18, 2005

What happened to me recently? I mean major happenings!

Firstly, I am late for work!!! I woke up at 10.35 am and my reporting time to my work place is 11 am! Due to my lateness, my supervisor told me that either I perform very well for the next 2 weeks or I will get money deducted off from my salary. It had been a long time since I was late for anything. Maybe there was a change in me. I didn't push the blame on to anybody but myself. Actually it was my sister who forgotten to set the alarm clock for me after she borrowed it to wake her up earlier in the morning. I did not blame her for my lateness and I also told myself that maybe I could make use of my handphone's alarm clock the next time.

Secondly, my mom went for a tour and will not be back home until 20th of december! I have the whole home to myself! ( Almost to myself as there is still my father and sister but they are seldom at home ) I can go home as late as I want without anybodies' business. However, there is another side of me. I regreted not going for the tour with my mother. I had been constantly going on tour every year and this year, it was stopped brutally by my desire and desperation to get a job. Maybe it was a wise decision but I am not going to ponder over this. It is just a little food for thought.

Lastly, my next off day is coming soon. 19th of december. I had planned a whole lot of activites for me to do. Basketball, food trail, biking, window shopping, relaxing, gaming and cleaning. It had been a long time since I had engaged in those activities with the exception of basketball which I play whenever I have the chance. But there is a hinderance - Vitamin C aka Money. There is barely a wholesome supply of money for me to spend. All of them is being put aside for food and my transportation expenses. What am I going to do on my off day? Might be another boring day...

posted at 9:27:00 AM by Eugene

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Something frightening happened to me this morning. It scared the shit out of me. Everybody look so fierce and hostile. Never had I experience this kind of fear before. Thoughts had been wondering through my mind. My body is shivering and I felt so tired. I am hesistant about which decision to make. Can someone enlighten me? I guess it is too complicated for anybody's understanding so I shall not burden anyone with my problem. So many hours had passed since morning and yet my heart is still pumping fast. Relax Relax Relax. ( & dun ask what happen )

posted at 3:48:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, December 05, 2005

After the prom night, I am being led to another stage in life - working. Some said I am very choosy in finding a job but in my opinion, a job must be something which you enjoy doing and able to benefit from it. My job, a sales assistant, is a little different from other sales assistant. After all, most of the customers which came into the shop are not expected to leave the shop empty handed so there wasn't much problem selling the products. Meanwhile, I am able to enjoy myself during the period where there are lesser customers in the shop. I could try on everything which is available in the shop, regardless of jackets, sweaters, long johns, hat & scarf. This was the benefits of my blog. Everyone in the shop was very friendly. The supervisor was not strict and her guidances was definitely apperciated. There was one ocassion when there was very little customer so I had the pleasure of humouring two small kids. They were afraid to talk to me initially but after sometimes, they were following my every step. I played "Simon Says" with them. While playing with them, I remembered my childhood days which some a luxury because I couldn't enjoy it now. They are definitely one of the best customers I ever served. I am still slowly adapting to this new lifestyle where I am to go to work in the morning and going home only to enjoy the comfort of my bed & fan and nothing else. There was another reason why I choosen that job - experience. I wanted some sales experience because it will help me in many ways - bringing out the noisy side of me and to give myself an edge for other jobs as most of the jobs available requires sales experience. Working is definitely different from studying. Studying made me busy but working made me have only time for sleep and apperciating the wonders of being a student. I think I will not blog so often for now. Need more rest.

posted at 5:35:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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