My Rantings...
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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Tomorrow is the official day that I am graduating from Queenstown Secondary School. I proud that I am a queenstownian and I had certainly enjoyed myself in during the 5 years in QTSS. Alot of opportunities were given to me but I had ruined them. I am glad I had realised my mistake before it is too late. I would like to thank all the teachers who had nurtured me into a wiser and more matured students. Their effort is deeply appeciated by me. I hope I can stay in QTSS forever, from childhood to adulthood and till death but my stay in QTSS will be ended soon. Everybody will be going seperate ways after the O levels. The last day which we will formally meet up will be during the prom night. I bet that emotion will run high on that night as it could be the last chance to see our classmates and teachers for this lifetime. The atmosphere tomorrow will be similar. Tomorrow will be graduation day - a day when a Queenstown formally step out into the world, cruel and ever changing. The school had protected us from hurt from the harsh lifestyle outside and taught us skills which will be significant in the future. I am going to miss QTSS, the teachers and my classmates. I guessed I poured everything in my blog because I dare not express my emotion openly. Let everybody graduating from Queenstown tomorrow enjoy themself wholeheartedly and leave no regrets after leaving Queenstown. This is the end of the chapter of yet another stage in life. All the best for O levels!

posted at 5:52:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I will cut everything short today. I made the decision to blog because I had not blog for days. I had just returned from school and I done hell of alot of papers regarding Social Studies. I score the highest ever SBQ marks in my Secondary School life. I was so glad. Hopefully, I will do just as well in my O's. Before I forget, I spended nearly 7 hours in school today. Surprised? Yes! I went to school today to do some revision. I did learn alot on how to do my SBQ. Other than that, I had not revised alot for other subject. I should learn to plan my time better. That is all I have to say. I more month and I will give me my all. No complaining for me. (Hopefullly I will not fall sick)

posted at 6:43:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


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Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

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Jie Ming
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Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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