My Rantings...
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I find my situation similar to an essay given to me by Miss Tan - A race against time. I had only around a month to study for all my weak subject and not neglect my poorer subject. I found out that my better subject had been falling since term 3 and I had not been doing anything about it. I been focussing too much on my weaker subject. For example, I spent the entire day today to study for Social Studies and yet it doesn't seem to help me improve on the particular subject! I am in bad mood of late. Maybe it is because of my prelim results? I expect to do better for some of the subject because I burned the midnight oil to study. Apparently, it was fruitless. Now, I just wish I could get away from the world of exams just for one day and enjoy myself full heartly before embarking on my studies. I want to find an isolate location to screams my heartfill. I want to rest my obviously overworked pair of eye. PL commented that my eye bags seems to be darker. I could even feel my weight of my eye bag hanging on my face.

Tomorrow is an important day for my school. There will be visitors to view our school's In-Place-Protection(IPP) day. In fact, those visitors come from schools in the west and south and Moe official. My humble school was choosen to be the role model for other schools. Hopefully, everything goes well tomorrow.

posted at 11:38:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

After 2 weeks of intensive studying, my body is starting to show signs of ageing. I felt sick immediately after today's papers. I could say that this is the last day of the prelims as the papers after today are definitely easiler. I mean what could be more difficult than MCQs? I am being arrogant again but this is all because I want to take a long break from all the stress and pressure weighting on me. Apparently, I vomited today. I think I better stop blogging now. Not in the mood and not in the right frame of mind.

posted at 10:33:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Studying for prelim is giving me a big headache. Medicines can't help, care wasn't given and no attention seek. Perhaps I deserve it. I waited till the last minute to do all my revison. I did badly for my Social Studies. I mean very badly. I left the seq blank as I studied for another theme. Hai.. Let bygones be bygones. I am going on a long biking trip after my prelims. I guess I have to take care of myself more. After all, this is my own body and no one understand me more than I do. White hamster gave birth this morning leaving me with an abudants of hamster and lack of food, attention and time for them. Maybe I should put them all in the oven and cook them for a snack. Miss Tan had given another essay question. I think I am too damn stress to do it today. My brain is hurting yet I still have to study. I have so many things to handle and some many taskes left undone. Why am I putting the interest of others before mine? Help!!! I think I am going nuts soon. I got a dozen wishes now and none of them is coming true. Do wishes come true? Should I believe in miracle? Yes, I also have alot of question which is still left unanswered. Who can I turn to now?

posted at 4:21:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I have to go school today for some reasons which is obviously very strange. My exams time table had not stated "lessons as per normal" today. The school day today was also extremely boring. Apparently, most of the teachers are busy and my class had 2/3 of the school day on our own. The teacher who spent the longest time in class was none other than my form teacher Miss Tan. She went through some pupil's essay while making sure the class had to discipline to study. Despite that, the day was still extremely bored. I spent almost every period playing chinese chess. Although I am a beginner, I am certainly getting the hang of it. At least I am begining to win =p However, there will not be much time left to play. POA prelim is tomorrow and it will be followed by a whole lot of difficult subject. The worse day this week is friday when I will be taking both the Physic paper and Social Studies on the same day. I going to die of the pressure! May god bless me.... Ahem..

posted at 10:08:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, September 12, 2005

It had been some time since I last went to watch a movie with my friends. Nevertheless, the atmosphere of watching a movie with them had still remained the same. We watch "The Longest Yard". It was a comedy which had me laughing out loud of some part of the movie. There is also my childhood idols in the movie - Stone Cold, Goldberg and Kelvin Nash! I believe everyone recongize them as superstar of another type of soap opera which is the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). I was pleasantly surprised to see them in the movie. There is another superstar that is worth mentioning - Nelly. He appeared in the movie as a calm person despite of any suitation. He was also very quick dodging attacks from the guards. Basically, everyone in that movie was great. They have the muscles and I begining to like their bald head. This shows the "man" inside every male. However the trip to the movie was quite a frusrating incident. Apparently, a van had exploded at the intersection of the traffic. This causes alot of inconvinences for cars as the road was blocked by both the van and a fire fighting truck. Luckily, we still managed to arrive at the cinema on time. After the movie, it was raining cats and dogs! The bus was terribly crowded and to make it worse, most of the people are drench while rushing onto the bus. There is only one consolation for me, dropping off at somewhere which have a shelter for me to avoid the rain. The weather was very frightening with the flashes of lightning and the loud roar of the thunder. If I was a kid, I would definitely be terrify.

By the way, I have two pieces of good news to share.
Firstly, I am going on a trip at the end of the year again! My mother had told me that they had suggested to go to Switzerland and she is waiting for my consent to proceed on with the travel docement. I guess I will just let her persue me before I agree =p
The second news is that my hamster had just given birth. I estimated that she had given birth to 6 sweet long babies because I did not really had the chance to sort them all out through all the bedding covering them. I am giving away hamsters again. Anyone interest please tell me. However, adopting a pet takes great responsiblity. I will not consider to give hamster to anyone whom might abuse those lovely creatures.

posted at 10:40:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I had no blog for a few days. I was too busy with studying that I neglected everything else in my life. I sincerely apologize to those I had neglected.

This holiday was pure hell! There is no difference from a normal school day with the exception of waking up later in the morning and avoiding the flag-raising ceremony. I spent alot of my time this week on English in a bid to push it up to A2 ( Mr Osman told me to aim high ). So far, I had been inconstant in my results which left me very disappointed in those ocassion when I failed. I know where my problems lie and I am struggling very hard to make improvement. Another subject of my worry is Humanities. No matter how hard I try to absorb the facts inside my brain, I couldn't seem to do so! In every piece of work which I handed in was all atempts to score. However, I am left disappointed again. How on earth can I get my expected results at the end of the day? My preservation could only hold me to such an extent that I will just freak out and fall sick one day. I long to get sick - avoiding school and sleeping the entire day. But, there is so many matters at hand which I must settle within two months. Maybe I could write about my story in an essay given to me recently - A race against time. I had wasted a few months playing and this is the time now to really put everything away and fully concentrate on my studies. I pray I will be able to complete this last lap without any falls.

My last paragraph is delicated to PL. Good luck for all your job interviews and may you find a job which has a decent salary and good working hours. All the words you said to me will be a pillar for me for the next two months.

posted at 11:07:00 AM by Eugene

Monday, September 05, 2005

Today's mission was to use a bicycle as the only form of transport to go to Bukit Panjang. The route was from Redhill to Jurong to Bukit Panjang to Bukit Timah to Holland V and back to Redhill. I shall describe each segment so I can remember this experience whenever I look back at my blog.

Redhill to Jurong - I had went through this route perviously in another trip so the journey was quite smooth except for J.M. injuring his leg for some unknown reasons. I stopped at Jurong East to buy some drinks before proceeding to Bukit Panjang. I didn't recall any mischap or accident so I will go on to the next segment.

Jurong to Bukit Panjang - It was a straight path from Jurong to B.P. so nothing exciting happened. However, upon reaching B.P, my bicycle's tire when flat. Naturally, I was worried because I am far from home with my only form of transportation down. Luckily, there is nothing wrong expect that the tire will soon go flat after a short period of time so I had to stop by every petrol station before continuing the journey. By the way, I ate chicken rice at B.P.

Bukit Panjang to Bukit Timah - This route was diasterious! We challanged our will-power and there are bushes, slopes and uneven walking path. Loy met with a few mischap but nevertheless he strived on to continue the journey. I regret not cycling at the back because I couldn't see anyone fall and some of Loy's falls could be quite dramatic. Stopped at two petrol station to "pump gas" along the journey.

Bukit Timah to Holland V - This segment was a test for our endurance. We had to go through 6th Avenue. Yes! 6th Avenue! The stretch of road which ends with a gentle slope to a much steeper slope. This changed our momentum completely! J.M. ended up pushing the bicycle up the slope and left me and Loy breathing heavily for air at the "summit". This is definately one of the most challanging place to cycle. Stopped at one petrol station again.

Holland V to Redhill - Despite the condition of my bicycle, I manage to cycle it all the way back to Redhill! I went for two additional pump of air for the bicycle's tire and was very relieve to reach Redhill.

I do not even dare to think what will happen to me if I was strained in B.P. with a flat tire. However, despite accidents and mischap, this is one of the most successful and the furthest journey I had to date. My next target? Woodlands! Stay tuned for my next journey... =D

posted at 11:00:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, September 02, 2005

I took English Paper 1 & 2 today. I had only three words to describe what I feel about these papers - Sure Die Liao! I wrote rubbish for my paper 1 as I really did not know what to write and there is a section on Pros & Cons of blogging. I, a blogger, couldn't imagine that I actually had trouble writing that piece of composition! What the hell I had been doing? Blogging, speaking English and even writing essays by myself but what improvement had I made in my English? Hopefully, I will not run out of ideas during the actual O levels. Paper 2 was maybe chicken feet to the express students but I struggling to understand the passage. I practically copy almost word for word for the summary question hoping that I will score for my content and have no grammer mistake. This method was taught by Miss Tan saying that it will help to prevent unnecessary marks deducted. In my mind, I know I had done badly so I the movie I went to watch during the evening cheered me up. It is another production of Singapore and the movie is called "One More Chance". I fully agree to what the movie is trying to tell the public. I feel that the society in Singapore is too high to keep up with and any flaws in a individual cannot be overlooked. I also wondered what is the differences between pitying and kindness. Which of these acts prompt the helping of these people with flaws?

posted at 7:37:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

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Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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