My Rantings...
Eugene's Kbkb Place Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

On the eve of every teacher's day, all schools share something in common which is to thank the teachers for their hard work and their delication to their students. My school was no exception. Despite not having lessons for today, we were required to be school by 7.25am. I had planned another biking trip in the morning to conquer a hill. We choose to cycle in the silents of the dark in the wee morning today. This is because there are fewer cars in this particular time of the day and I do not have to pay attention for lessons later in the late morning. I stayed at loy's home with JM and we woke up at 4am to prepare for the trip. We finish preparing within a few minutes and we were soon off to the hill. I could say that the trip was successful as we were all able to reach the summit. It was the first hill I ever cycle up and this draft out my first experience cycling up a hill. I must had peddled to roughly up the hill as when I when downhill, the gear had loosen. Loy predicted it was due to wear and tear but perhaps it was also due to my rough handling. He suggested for me to ride slowly but this is not my style. I would rather take a bus or walk than ride slowly on a bicycle. With the bike spoilt, plans tomorrow will most likely be postponed. We reached school on time and did the ACES day workout. My level was arrogrant. This is because we did not want to do the exercise with the secondary 4s. We did pretty well and after the exercise, I could hear praises for the secondary 5s. That is the spirit of secondary 5s! We believe we can do things better than everyone regardless of anything. The school funfair was next and I did not do anything except buying "Barney Milo". It was costly but for a good cause. I spend the rest of my time at the funfair watching the dunking machine. Lame idea given by students. After the funfair, all the teachers were rounded up to my class for a surprise. There was teacher's day wishes for our beloved teachers and alot of foods! Even the principal and vice principal was invited. Photos were taken and everyone was in a happy mood. I think the teachers enjoyed it too. This is our last year and maybe it is just our class little gesture to show our appeciation and thanks to them. Happy Teachers Day!!!

posted at 8:25:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I had a boring weekend. I had to force myself to sleep later as my father was doing something in the kitchen. I woke up finally at 11 plus. I remember I had some tasks at hand. Weighting the piorities, I decided to search the internet for grammar rules before doing my homework. My search was fruitful but I did not understand the meaning and did not have enough white paper to print out all what I had found. I gave up and went for lunch. I reached home close to the evening as I had to add value to my EZ-link card and shop for groccies. I was bored and lazy. I wind finally settled with playing basketball as my friends was at the court playing and I had to pass JM his bag at the same time. My basketball skills are terrible now! Maybe I shouldn't touch that ball anymore. I better stop blogging now. I have some homework to finsih later.

posted at 9:47:00 PM by Eugene

Saturday, August 27, 2005

On the surface, everything seems pleasant but internally, there are deep secrets hidden. I had an arguement with Cynthia today. Infact, it happened twice within a day. Reasons - I am Mr Busy & I am Mr Childish. I got nothing else more to say so I will just end off here.

posted at 11:42:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, August 26, 2005

Today marks another month of my relationship. The fifth month to be precise. I had to go to school even thought it was my own special day. It was an extremely tiring day and I stayed in school till 5pm! I spend nearly 10 hours in school! I was already exhausted by then but I fight my sleepyness to spend the next few hours of my special day with her. I did not prepared any present for her because of some reason which were deemed as excuses to her. Maybe I am really too busy? As a result, I owe her a present which I will dutifully return. I have to return her favor as she bought the most romantic gift I ever received to date. Famous Amnos Cookie cake with some touching decorative. I am touched. We went to West Coast next and this was my first trip to this unfamilar location. I was hoping to be able to see the sunset while seating on the beach but because of reclaiming of land and a cloud arriving at an untimely moment, we left the place disappointed. We went to Jurong East to have the delicious Bua Ku Tea which was just to my liking. Spicy soup, the frangance and the taste were close to perfection for me. I could be going there more often to eat this delicate. It was already late by then and I send her home via cab after alighting from the bus. I was extremely sleepy and immediately after reaching home, I was lying on my bed fast asleep.

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Oral examination marks the begining of O levels. My heart was beating faster than usual when I was sitted in the library to have my oral exam. I was trumbling all over and I wondered whether it is due to the air-conditioner or the fear inside myself. Anyway, I do not have to wait long for my turn, I was the second to read the short passage and the strange picture ( I thought ). The moment I looked at the passage and the picture, my brain immediately spells out : " Oh my god!!! It is too easy!! ". I did not find any words in the passage difficult and I find that I am able to read fluently. That could secure roughly a 8 marks for me. The next part of the oral is picture discussion. I wasn't to keen on this section as I tend to be at a loss of words while discribing the picture and unable to answer to the teacher's promting. But, with the help of B.C.B.A and the guardians of Miss Tan, I managed to mould out replies in large quantities. I wasn't sure it was quality answer but I am sure I had done my utmost for that picture. The teacher just asked me 3 questions! A big jump since practising in the morning. The conversation was done fairly. I miss interpretated one of the 5 questions being shot by the teacher to me. She was asking something about father spoiling daughter yet I replied some nonsense about communication between younster and adults. Luckily, this is the only mistake I made (hopefully). I asked Mdm Yani what is the worse case scenerio about my mistake and she just calmly replied that I won't fail because of that mistake. I was hoping I could get maybe around 25 for my oral. Anyway, I will put the freakest moment in my School life behind me now. It is over and there and many far more important things to be taken care of. Know my own weakness and do not be over-confident in subjects I am good in. I will rest early today and tomorrow will be a whole new start. Be discipline and strive hard for the next 8 weeks!

posted at 9:58:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

While I am seating at my desk anticipation for the actual start of the O level examination, I could few the sweat running down my palms. I conclude that either I am nervous or I am not prepared for the examination. Indeed I had waited 11 and a half years for this moment. This is the most stressful year among my primary education to secondary education. Yet, I'm hardly motivated to study. I am still continuing my carefree lifestyle despite my friends struggling to keep up with the pace. Maybe this is the way I operate - study at the last minute. I been wondering if I have the disipline to study and do my homework everyday, would I be what I am today? The "would" leaves alot of question marks behind. But the piority lies in the present now. It is neither in the past nor the future. What my future would be mainly depends on the next 3 months. It is high time I wake up and do something instead of wasting my life away sleeping. I thought of my method of studying but I am yet to venture into it. Oral examination is tomorrow. I must keep telling myselves to be calm, do not freak out when I see the picture and keep my head clear so that I will not be at a loss of words. My preparation for the oral is simple. Drink some medical stuff to clear my bad throat and continue reading all night later.

Ahem Ahem.....

posted at 8:14:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, August 22, 2005

Yet another mock exam to add to my list of poor performance. I had to take my physic paper at 3.30pm after assembly. The assembly programme was interesting but I would like to comment on the "guest". He was fussy about the school not raising their hands to his activity to find out who is unique. What for make a big fuss over this small matter, we live in an apathetic nation. I was already respecting the fellow up there by not studying for my physic which I was intending to. This proved to be costly as I could only stare blankly at the physic paper. I think my PPR will have "fantastic" marks with red smears all over it. Another mock exam will be on Friday - Geography. Hopefully I will come to my senses by then and try my best to ace the paper.

posted at 7:58:00 PM by Eugene

Saturday, August 20, 2005

As exams draws near, this could be one of the last gathering before we start studying for our exams. Before going to Hong Gim's BBQ, I was on another biking mission with 4 other biking buddies. Our mission is to cycle to Jurong. We took one and a half hour to reach Jurong. I have something to say about one of my buddies' bike. His bike in a condition which is not suit for cycling at all! His handle drop off, his gear were rusty and his handle could cause blister! I was surprised that anyone would still want to ride that kind of bike. After our pit stop at Jurong, we had to go to Holland V where the bbq is being held. This time, we took on another journey. We cycle to Clementi through some strange pathway and our good foresight found us a shorter route to Holland V. We had another pit stop thought at a bus stop opposite Singapore Poly. We were late and luckily, no angry glares were bring shot at us. We talk about all sort of stuff, relationship to studies. We played sports - soccer, volleyball and biking. We ate alot - Chicken wings, otar and Mee fen. It was overall quite fun. After the bbq, with a bloated stomach, I and all my biking buddies ride home thinking of the fun I had today. (I had to go through some unhappiness to get this fun)

posted at 11:57:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, August 19, 2005

After school today, I went to find Cynthia. She bought takeaway from her Secondary School to let me have a test of it. They were quite tasty but the chicken wings was too tough. Thanks for the meal =p After that, we went to woodlands. She wanted to watch Charlie and the chocolate factory but I want to watch wedding crasher. I was very tired at that time and I was considering sleeping through out the movie. But luckily, Cynthia gave in to me and watch wedding crasher so I have no choice but to stay awake. My comments on the movie - Funny, sad and there is some points to learn from in that movie. I will not disclose much or else it will not be interesting watching that movie. We had our meal somewhere near her home. An award winning minced pork noodles. I could tell that alot of vinger was added but overall it deserve the award, except for the noodles and the fishball. Since it was still early, we went to Bukit Timah and visit a stretch of shophouse. I recalled a pet shop with a dog lying inside. The dog was huge and magistic. How I long to owe a dog and play with it everyday. But my parents certainly would not allow. Parents - you can't live with them but you couldn't live without them. Then, midnight was approaching and I send Cynthia home. I was damn unlucky to drop my zen micro. I was the first time and it shocked me to see that zen mirco was so vulnerable. Idiotic player! I have to go to Creative to repair it again.

posted at 11:00:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My mind is in a mess right now. I would rather hope for something to happen than wanting it to happen. Why? While hoping, I would only think of those beautiful thoughts and never will unhappiness envelops me. If something were to happen, one will tend to either hope it had never happened or hope that it will be repeated all over and over again. I am now caught in both of the situation. Which road is better for me right now? My mood can change instantly from happy to moody. Everybody wish for happiness forever but sadly, it can hardly be acheived. Everything will have its ups and downs. The only option left is to take things as they come and learn to adapt to it. This is the only way one can be happy instead of constantly thinking of sad memories. I therefore wish happiness will be upon everybody.

posted at 7:46:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Without my realisation, 30 days past den to 1 week den to a weekend before my English oral examination. I know my own weakness in my oral and I told Miss Tan about it. She gave me some advices and she emphasised on one point - do not be nervous or everything will go to waste. I was wondering how I am going to overcome my nervousness. I was nervous in my mid-year examination and I was also nervous in my oral practises with Miss Tan. What does it take get rid of my nervousness in front of a examiner which I never seen in my life? All my life, I had not acheived much. My greatest regret is my CCA. I must do well in my academically in order to make up for my disadvantage. I already had two disadvantage as compared to others, my chinese and CCA. I am not being pestimistic but lets face the cruelty of living in this world! Especially living in Singapore where everything is based on meritocracy. I already loss half of the battle but I am not going to give up without a fight! I read an essay today. It mentions about an individual anxiousness in completing his national examination yet fearful of getting the results although everything is over. Isn't human strange? Why will we be pessimist even thought we had done our best and yet those who give up do not seem to worry? I will create my own slogan and put it into my princple : "Only with hard work comes results". I must work hard and not be lazy anymore!

posted at 10:26:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I had done a couple of test recently, and I had high expectation for everyone of them. I got back my E math paper 1 first and although I score a A1, I feel it will fall to maybe a B3 after moderation. Then, my social studies mock paper. I completed my SBQ but I barely touch the SEQ. This will certainly pull down my grades by half! The last grade that is told to me is my POA test results. Although this is my favourite subject which I particularly score destination everytime, I achieved a low A1 for this test. What in the world? I have nearly a dozen excuses circulation around my head but I know it is still my fault in the end. Some of the reasons I thought of were complacency and laziness. The oral examination is also approaching and I trying to speak more English but every word which came out of my friends' mouth were chinese so I had no choice but to communicate back using the same language. I had to build up my confidence, brainstorm quickly and express my ideas clearly to the examinor. However, this tasks proved to be hard to overcome. Even with my oral practise together with my teacher, I still couldn't get my ideas across to her. Hopefully, I will overcome all my fears by this week. It is only now that I realised that I am actually stressed but I am taking things too lightly thus not feeling the stress. Less than 3 months away to the actually examination. Will I be able to buck up in time? I have high expectation and I really hate to be disappointed.

posted at 7:54:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The aftermath of my arguement? I put all my hamster cages beside my bed. I am confident that their smell will not bother me. After all, I been changing their bedding regularly. After this incident, I was disappointed and to avoid any arguement, I left home when JM asked me to go cycling. I wasn't intending to go out today but I had no choice. I fallen off the bike twice today. Luckily I did not substain any injury. I reach home at 7pm was left home alone. Aparently, my entire family had went out and I take this opportunity to cool myself down. This is one of the luxury of being alone. I got a piece of bad news for Miss Chua tomorrow. I did not study for her mock exam at all. I was intending to study but the unhappiness at home make me listless and irritated. I couldn't concentrate well. I know I am giving some stupid excuses. I will try to cramp everything inside my brain tomorrow morning.

posted at 10:19:00 PM by Eugene

I seldom blog in the afternoons but something occured this afternoon that make me really pissed off yet unable to express it out verbally so I'm going to vent my frustration on my blog. The moment my dad saw me, he told me that the hamster is smelly and I am irresponsible to change their bedding. I told him I change the bedding every 2 weeks. His reply? Their waste is smelly therefore their bedding should be changed everyday. I wanted to argue back and call him to pay for the bedding if I were to change the bedding everyday. The thoughts of a bad arguement stopped me from doing so and I ignored him. However, he continue his string of words - " I am old and the smell is not good for me ", " I am not as young as you so I couldn't stand the smell ", "The smell make me want to puke ", " I am inconsiderate " and his last word " I going to put the hamster outside ". I remained calm and said what if somebody were to steal them away? He replied : " I will pay you back ". It seems so simple for him to say thay but it is not the cost of the hamster and the cage that is repayable. What about the feelings? If money can do anything, I will just save up my pocket money, pay him to get the hell out of my life. But I couldn't do so even though I hate him more than anything else. I had to consider my mom's feeling. He pretended to be understanding but it was obvious he do not want the hamster in the home. I couldn't see my mom more supportive of his idea more than this. It seems that they are bend on getting rid of my hamsters, but I will hold on.

posted at 2:37:00 PM by Eugene

Saturday, August 13, 2005

There I am going for outings with Exams just around the corner. I spend every single cent in my pocket today. Half of it for my stomach and the other half on entertainment. I really begining to wonder why am I so skinny despite eating so much. Maybe it could be the resultant of some unseen illness within my body. A large majority of my family and relative are fairly "large" so it couldn't be because of heritary dieases. I should eat less next time as there isn't any effect on my body weight and I could save more money. I went to watch "The Maid" at Woodlands. It was packed with people and most of the seats are already booked or bought despite we had arrived early to buy tickets. The movie was not as terrifying as expected. The fright encountered is contributed mainly from the sudden blast of sound. There were afew jokers in the threate thought. They screamed at the slightest "frighten moments" and the sound is always coming from that particular direction. I appeciated their attempt to boast up the atmosphere but I am also irritated by them. It could be because of my bad mood? After the movie, PL wanted to go home to watch a drama series so our date ended early. Not wanting to spend a Saturday night at home, I met up with my friends and ended up going home at 2 plus. We walked from Lao Pa Sai to somewhere around the PSA before giving up and talking the cab home. I already suggested to take the cab at the former lacation but everybody disagreed. This could be a decision they regreted. =)

posted at 2:22:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Happy birthday to my homeland - Singapore. My homeland is celebrating its 40th birthday at the Padang today. However, I was not in celebration mood. Together with my biking buddies, we decided to ride our bikes as close to the Padang as possible hoping that the celebration mood will rub on us. While riding on my bike, I could see a sea of heads infront of me. They were all heading towards a common direction - Padang. Some traffic junctions were blocked off so we had no choice but to take a longer route to Marina Park which is our destination. We arrived there within minutes and had a new task at hand. Where are we going next? On impulse, we choosen Kalang. This is because of the prospect of having satay for dinner which tempt us to cycle to that faraway location. However, we were disappointed that the Satay store was closed. We had no complains whatsoever. We ordered drinks, take a break and were soon on the bikes heading towards a new location. The next stop - Bugis Junction. We locked our bikes at Bugis Village and took advantage of the air-conditional environment there. One embarrassing incident happened. We went into a cafe, seat down, argued over what to eat, decided the food is too expensive, bought some cookies and went out of the show without buying anything else. We spend quite sometime at the cafe seating thought. We went over to Bugis Junction to do some window-shopping ( strange for guys to have this habit? ). After we had enough rest, we got up the bike again and head towards Orchard Road. We were just in time to see the arrival of all the significant vehicles that Sinapore process ( Actually, we had no choice because the traffic was blocked to let them pass). It was a fasinating sight as those vehicles rarely go out for display to the public. Not forgeting the spectacular air display by our Singapore Air Force. After all the vehicles passed, I request to cycle to Holland. We were already weary and our leg muscles tired from all the cycling we had done but we still preserved with our journey. In the end, we went to the toilet in Holland V to refill our water bottles. I been wanting to find a Pet Shop but upon seeing how hugh Holland is, I gave up. I been scolded by my buddies but we had a good laugh out if it. Our next stop - Tea Garden at Farrer Road. We had not eaten much for today and our hunger bought us here. We ate like we never eaten for the past few days. We discussed about trip today and we expected responses saying that it was impossible for us to cycle to Kalang from Redhill. Does this means that we had done something impossible? I will be proud of this achievement if it is view by many as impossible. After our meal, we decided to cycle home as we had tolerated the sore in our legs and it will get unbearable soon. We reached home at 10pm. This meant that we had cycle from 4 to 10pm, an astonishing 6 hours. This 6 hours had bought us to many place which others deemed impossible to go without the help of public transport. Let our next trip bring us to Jurong and maybe further.

posted at 11:06:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I went to Bugis all alone today. I board the bus, holding a plastic bag holding the spoilt cage. Yes! I'm going to bugis to exchange the cage because of a small piece of plastic being chipped off. Along my peaceful journey, I was disturb by JM. He called me to go cycling and I agreed. I went home to put my hamster cage and then over to loy's home to get the bike. We rushed to Tiong Bahru Park and as usual, JM was late. We cycle around and I attempted to make JM fall by going through some difficult route but lucky for him, he went through everything safely. After cycling, I went home and realised the hamster cage was already fixed by my sister. I was hoping to do it myself but nevermind then. Tonight, PL requested for something. Then, this strange feeling overwhelmed me entirely. Why am i reacting like this? I hate it whenever this happen but I seems to have no control over it. I think I will get question by her after giving this statement. Maybe I just think of some ways to explain. =(

posted at 11:09:00 PM by Eugene

My older hamster is pregnant! This reinforce my need for a new cage. I got "reliable" tip that Kovan sells a range of cages at affordable prices. Will this tip, I drag PL along to Kovan. She did not complain much as we took a cab there. I decided to take the cab because of the merciless ray of the sun and the unfamilar place we are visiting. PL will be headaches whenever she is exposed to the sun for too long and I was wearing black all over so taking cab was our transport of choice. We rounded Kovan twice and to our disappointment, there was only one Pet Shop! Our legs were sore by then so we decided to settle down at the hawker centre and fill our stomach. We were discussing about our fruitless trip to a far and unknown land when our meal arrived. I called claypot porridge and the porridge was heavenly. It was defintely one of the best porridge I ever eaten other than the other store at Ang Mo Kio. After eating, we shop around Kovan and soon we gave up find the Pet Shop. We took the Mrt and went to Bugis. Then PL notify me of a SMS I received - the pet shop's location. I don't think I have to discribe my feelings to you. I have a sudden craving for durian meat and I bought 3 small durians to satisfy my cravings. It was the first time I am buying durain on my own and this teach me how to buy durians. Green durians are too young therefore their meat will be hard and do not be cheaped into buying "big" durians as they might not taste as good as smaller durians. Then, PL requested to go to bugis junction. I consented as it was her request and there was a pet shop located there too. I noticed the cage sold there were cheaper by afew bucks so I bought it. Considering I went to Kovan to look for cages and finally deciding to buy the cage at bugis, I nicknamed stupid by PL. I admited that it was my greed in looking for bargains buy Kovan does have good food. We shop round bugis before I send her home and walk the lonely road home by myself again. I reach home and quickly assemble the hamster cage. To my dismay, I realised that the cage had a small part broken and as a result, I couldn't built my cage. I pack everything back together again and it took me sometime to get it done. I am going to exchange for another package maybe tomorrow or the day after. ( My sorry pair of legs =( )

posted at 12:05:00 PM by Eugene

My school is hosting the cluster I & E day. I am proud of my school as this is a prestigious event. Innovative and enterprising students and teacher display their production for expedition. Actually, I am not involve in the expedition. It is just an attempt to promote my school. =p I just got a pair of white hamster today. I wasn't sure what breed are they and I have to trouble myself to find a new cage for them. Owning a pet is troublesome but the joy of nurturing them into adults and the pain of seeing it dies does help us become responsible and mature. I drag PL with me to Yishun to hunt for cages as I recalled a stretch of stores selling Pet's Item. I thought the cages sold at Yishun will be cheaper but I was met with disappointment when I reach there. Then, PL recommended me a place which sells cheaper cages - SPCA and Hougang. We decided to visit those place tomorrow instead of today as I had to send her home early ( 7th Month ). I vaguely remember eating alot today. Cheese cakes, twister fries, tako ball and alot more. I am going to be broke soon with all my spendings on food!

posted at 11:47:00 AM by Eugene

Thursday, August 04, 2005

P.E. lesson today was my least anticipated P.E lesson for the whole of this current year. The reason? The entire school have to start practising a dance create of the ACES day celebration. I will not say it is a celebration as I could tell people do not enjoy themselves wholeheartedly when they danced. However, I find the dance steps interesting and hopefully I will be able to master it before ACES day. After P.E, I collected the class t-shirt which arrived this morning. Luckily for me, the size which I choosen suit me and I had not wasted my money on something I do not intend to wear. I got to wear the t-shirt sooner than I expected! During recess, some sec 3 kid accidently spilled some Yong Tou Fu soup on my t-shirt! At first, I skin was overwhelmed by a burning sensation but it soon turned chilly as the weather was raining at that point in time. This give me an excuse to wear the class t-shirt for the rest of the day. I get to be the "model" or maybe the "Guinea Pig" because I am the first person putting on this outfit. It was not bad though as I tucked out the shirt of the rest of the day without any teacher displeasureness ( not sure if there is such a word ). School ended early as there was no remedial. I thought I could get a nice long nap at home but it was to no avail. PL asked me to accompany her to a job interview. I agreed to her request. When I meet her, she complained that my face was sulky. I do not know why and continue to put on that face for the rest of the day. ( I was neither moody nor angry ) However, after thinking back, I was quite disappointed that PL did not attempt to cheer me up at all! ( But I remember smiling ) I hope PL will like her new job. ( & me being cast aside once again =p )

posted at 9:46:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I stayed in school till 5pm today. It had been a long time since I had stayed that long in school. The reason I stayed in school is because I with JM and Jocelyn looked up Miss Chua to ask her for help. She gave me some useful advice but it is still up to me to do all the revision and studying on my own. She proposed an idea to our tiny group that we could consider copying model answers from the TYS so as to hasten our writing speed and absorb the knowledge at the same time. I think this is a good idea and I could start on this as soon as this week. I planned not to nap today but the bed was too tempting for me to resist. My body was defeated in the end and soon ended up in a short but satisfying nap. I woke up and to my dismay, I found out that my mother had not cook dinner! I have to wait till supper until I can eat my dinner. It happened all the time and maybe I should call my mother to buy takeaways next time. I could not do anything except proceed with my plans. I typed out a self-study programme for myself. It requires me to fulfill 3 tasks everyday and hopefully it will not stress me out. Most of my time is allocated to English. I will try to be thick-skin and call Miss Tan to help me mark my work. The begining of the "saga" start today. May I be motivated, not be demoralized and be able to balance between relationships and studies. All the best to myself.

posted at 8:57:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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