My Rantings...
Eugene's Kbkb Place Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Friday, July 29, 2005

Today everybody was hurrying to go to Sherlyn's chalet. It was after already opened the day before and we could go to the chalet anytime before the BBQ. I meet up with JM & Loy to go east coast. We really took our time to go there and we arrive there before the sun set. Immediately upon our arrival, the mahjong table was set up and the game continued till midnight. Since everyone was playing mahjong, I was bored. I found a spot outside the chalet and isolate myself from the others. I guess people were right in saying I am anti-social. The night pass in a cruelly slow manner. I kind of regretted consenting to the request of others who ask me to stay. When I see people going home to sleep on their comfortable bed, I feel so envy of them. After all, although my home is the most boring place, it is still my home sweet home. The next morning, we returned our bicycles and took the bus home. The traffic was smooth and within my realisation, I was sleeping on my beloved bed. After my sleep, I was off to meet Cynthia. We arranged to watch "Bug Me Not". It was a comedy thought despite the poor rating the newspaper gave. After the movie, we saw Yiting with her BF. Cynthia was like so engrossed in them. Cut a long story short, we ate LJS and went home soon after. I was so tired. Thats all now.

posted at 11:42:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Time since to pass quickly than you know it. Within a blink of an eye, it is time for prelim, O levels and my 4th month together with Cynthia. There is alot of conflict between us recently and hopefully it will not continue. Im glad that everything had been resolved. I just want to say "SORRY". Now to congratulate myself - I pass my paper 1 composition barely. Although it was not a high grade, I had done better for this paper than in the mid-year examinations. I hope to move myself up to the C5 margin and slowly to the B4. My target of English. Whether it is possible depends fully on myself. I bought a whole chunk of English assignment in an attempt to built up my English. Oh my god! I am becoming a freak! I am talking about my studies again. Anyway, my room will soon get some new occupants. Two white hamster ( hope it is pudding species ) belonging to Jocelyn's friends. I will have to get ready a new cage for them and buy more food ( running out soon ). Maybe this two hamster is able to mate with my hamster and form a completely new species? There is always a possibility. Anyway, I trying to draw up a study time-table. Hopefully it will be completed by this week. One last note to add... HAPPY 4 MONTHS TOGETHER.

posted at 8:09:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I just return from Cynthia's chalet. Honestly speaking, this was the worst chalet I ever went. I had to endure hours of lonesome and embarrassing moments. I even received comments such as I'm A.S ( Anti-Social ), Guai ( Good Boy ) & CHILDISH!!! Perhaps I should just forget everything that happen during the chalet. Maybe I will not get a chance to see them again. Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps. I was also disappointed with Cynthia. I think I am in the fault but I should not be blame to harshly. Anyway, I will not want to remember anything which will bring me sad memories. I will try not to be "childish" anymore. Another issue to add - before I went home, I went cycling with my usual buddies in the rain. We were drench within seconds and one of my buddies had an accident which I describe as "movie-like". It was damn funny and the victim at the end of the accident was not my buddy but the poor bike. Better stop blogging now, feeling tired and sickly.

posted at 7:30:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Early morning, it was raining cats and dogs. I woke up in the freezing temperature shaking from head to toes. It seems that I had not cover myself with the blanket and the fan was on and blowing directly at me! I quickly get changed and be prepared for school. I did not even drink the horlicks which I left in the fridge last night. As soon as I reach school, the rain start to stop and we are able to commence our PE lessons. Our class was combined with 2 other class and we were left in the hall playing captains ball. The whole situation was chaotic! Everybody was waiting for their turn to play and their anxiousness got the better of them. Fortunately, my particular station was well organised and every group have a chance to play. I tried to talk my team into using tactics instead of speed which will make ourself tired easily. But even the best tactic will turn to fragility if the game is prolong over a period of time. After PE lessons, the weather was still very cooling and I took the chance to dry all my sweat. The rest of the day was Test, Quiz & Study. School is boring when there are such stuff going on right? After school, I went to cut my hair to an astonishing short length. Some even commented that I look like an army guy. Cynthia met me afterwards and I send her to Seng Siong Hypermarket where she is meeting her friends to buy goceries for the BBQ. But due to time constraint, she was the one who sent me to the bus stop instead. I reach home just in time for dinner. I barely finish my dinner when I am invited to watch Wet Dreams together with Pegan, Jp & Jm. After some discussion with Cynthia, I proceeded with the plans and was soon on the way to tiong to watch the NC16 movie. It was a good comedy even thought it do not have a good story line. I was eating the Yummy Gummy Sweet during the screening of the movie. Hope I will not get diabaties. =D

posted at 11:58:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, July 18, 2005

As usual in the morning, I followed my routine and went to school. I overslept but luckily my name did not end up in the late-comers list. School was extremely boring. I was looking forward for some comments about my oral practise but Miss Tan did not turn up today so I ended up doing other stuff ( eg Newspaper ). Today's is the handing over ceremony for the prefect council and during the upper sec assembly programme, we were briefly introduced to the new prefectorial board. Some of my friends expressed their unhappiness at some of the prefect bring appointed but I just brushed it off. What they are planning will not be affecting me as I'm already graduating. It is a new generation of prefects and I just realised that time passes very quickly. The previous hand over ceremony seems only days ago and that means that exams is approaching slowly but surely. After school, I manage to pull jm & loy to accompany me to great world to take a look at the Puma singlet I had been eyeing closely. However, they told me the cutting is weird and I pass on buying it. It was still within my budget and I am disappointed that my trip to Great World was fruitless. Some unhappiness at home which I do not wish to talk about. Maybe I am stubborn or I want to retain my pride. The flame had slimmer down and let it be history.

posted at 10:15:00 PM by Eugene

Saturday, July 16, 2005

For a long time, I had not gone out with my friends for the entired day. It all started when Cynthia told me she's working and I had nothing to do but to stay at home. Then came a phone called from the bitch ( Jia Ming). He was asking me whether I want to go cycling. Before I could say okay, he took it as I'm able to make it can told me when to meet and the location. I had an urge to cycle recently so I agreed. We cycle around the south area of Singapore ( Even Orchard Road ). We did some daring things and I even got stared by someone inside a car. Then, the fulfill son wanted to go home early to return the bike and to go for dinner with his parents. After minutes of pursuing, I managed to ask him to play a round of mahjong. I had been playing my handphone very often and wanted to touch the real stuff. Luckily, I did not lose and able to go home without any hole in my pocket. I changed clothes and went to tiong to have my dinner with jm's family since I meeting him to go out later. I ate the same old stuff here and we were soon on our way to Orchard again. We went to play a shooting game called " ghost squad " ( unsure ). It seems pretty boring but when you play, it will capture all your imagination and attentiveness. But the arm will be pretty sore after carrying the gun of a long time. Next stop was Kim Seng Plaza where we played pool there. My skills really sucks and maybe I go not have the hand in playing pool. It was pretty late when we finish the game and we all went home immediatly. Hope to go cycling more often in the future =p

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, July 15, 2005

To answer to "somebody" curiousity, I digged the money out of somewhere in my home sweet home. However, this money was used up by that "somebody". I will not mention names but I think that "somebody" will know who he/she is. I went out with Cynthia today and I overspend!( as usual ) Taxi fares, movie tickets and i forgotten. However, she attempted to go dutch by treating me to from my dinner to the movie snacks. During the movie, I was quite sulky. But the suspense of the movie( War Of The World ) make me forget everything and focus on the movie itself. Catch the movie yourself to find out more. After that, we took a stroll at the place we first met - The shore line of Marina South. Then Cynthia started to shoot all sort of question at me. She wanted to prove to me that she is a good debator( She argue very well in class ) so I had to play along. But all her topics were to sensitive to be argued so I let her have a way of the day. I was very very tired by then so we took a bus to her home. I slept during the ending part of the bus ride soundly. In the bus, I recalled Cynthia was saying that if fate have her way, I might get a chance to see her friend. But fate only arrived when we alighted from the bus. Even thought I saw her pictures before, I did not recongise her. It was Cynthia who was looking around and spotted her first. By that time, I was extremely tired! Just before I could mention about taking a cab, her friend said she wanted to take cab home. This save my breathe and I just send Cynthia to the car shelter below her home and was off in the same cab within seconds. I was so damn tired and just fall asleep when I lie on the bed. An relaxing sensation overwhelmed my body. Luckily I had called Cynthia before I lie on my bed or else I will doze off before I can call her..

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I had two test today. One essay writing and the other is Geography. I got a hitch that I will not do well for both the test. I studied casually and did not expect much for my grades. I got a plan recently - collect vocab words and phrases and make use of them in essays. I will write a essay every week or maybe twice if I have the time. I'm I really always talking about studies all the time? I shall talk about something else other than studying now. It is one of my favourite pastime - Eating. My stomach is cramping tightly and if I were to stuff anyone thing inside, I'm afraid it will burst. Let me recall the stuff I eaten today - 3 char siew bao during recess, 2 packets maggi mee + 4 seaweed chicken + scramble eggs for lunch and a big packet of mixed dishes rice for my dinner. I also drank plenty of water, around 4 glasses of ice horlicks and some water. All this is enough to swell my stomach up to a tummy for at least a day. Cynthia was jealous that whenever I eat so much, I just digest it and shit the rest out! I just couldn't be FAT! This is something I'm proud of and at the same time, disappointed. I need the fats to exercise and build muscles. Cynthia came to my home for a couple of hours today, she initiated for the first time and this could be some progress! Anyway, I did not send her home despite her begging. I was still feeling sicky and predicted that I could not stand the bus ride. Poor Cynthia got drench in the rain on her way home. Did you regret not borrowing my umbrella? =p Sorry about that, next time I will send you home kkz?

posted at 8:25:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I was doing my Math TYS when I recalled what Mrs Leong said during lessons today. She say someone who had took the O's Math last year had taught the class a wrong method of caculating the gradient of a tanguent. She said the class had use a triangle in the process of caculating the gradient and do not know the right method in doing so. She continued by saying this particular person also took the class that the method she taught was wrong and this "square" method was easiler. At that moment, I was wondering whether she was talking about me as I had drawn a square and some of my classmates had inquire about how the question could be done. I simply tell them to find the gradient and I did not tell them to count the number of squares in the triangle. Neither did I critisise her method. Later she narrowed down to the guys talking A Math and down to the person who got an A2 for their O's Math. I was relieved but deep inside me, I still suspect it is me the teacher was talking about. The whole lesson was so frightening and I hold my breathe till the teacher calm down and settled down on the table. Wow! Who will have thought that Math lesson could be so frightening!

posted at 8:06:00 PM by Eugene

What for argue over the things which are not within our control. All we can do is to make the best out of it so that we will be happier. If we keep pondering over it, what use will it be? You will only make yourself be at unease. Which is more worthwhile? Being happy or unhappy? I would rather pursue the former. My creativity juices are depleting. Cynthia or Pui Leng if that is what you prefered to be called. Can you step into my shoes and think about me? Maybe it is me who is in the fault, my question for those "high grades". It is only once in a lifetime that you do your O's in public school and you will want to do well. That is the idea in my mind right now. At first, you were supportive of my idea but maybe time can really change everything. I mean it is really very comforting to let someone know of my problems but what happen if it backfires? My problems will only be extended. I was really hoping you will understand and support me. Today, my CME teacher talk about what is the differences between affections and love. What are the factors which a couple must have to belong in each respective catalogy. I was wondering where we stand as a couple. Perhaps you should think of it too. I will roughly describe my life currently - Wake Up, School, Nap, Homework, Revise, Blog, Sleep & YOU! My daily routine now. Which of it will make me relax and calm down? Which of those factors will give me stress and pressure? Weekends is an escape from reality temporary and soon it will be a blessing which I cannot enjoy. I just want to be happy and escape from the stress while I can! Who will like the pressure of taking the O's?

posted at 7:10:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It had been a long time since I slept soundly in class. During Math lesson, I was very tired for no particular reason. My eyelid felt so heavy and I could not resist the temptation to sleep. I dooze off in the middle of the class and continue sleeping till the first remedial slot. I do not know why I am so tired today despite sleeping early the pervious day. Lesson were boring as usual and I do not know why I keep forgetting my Math homework. I must do something about it before it is too late. I am also thinking of writing english essay whenever I have the time and keep a small phrase book for references. But I am wondering where can I collect all the phrases from? I got an idea in mind and I hope it will be effective. The moment I reach home, I cook my tea-break and immediately after devouring my delicious meal, I when to take a nap. This nap was not what I planned to be! I slept for 3 hours plus and I do not have any time left for revising for the upcoming test. Especially the Geography test! I seldom do manufacturing and I know nuts about it. I promise I will work hard and I will. It is only a matter of how to get my engine to start working.

posted at 11:09:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, July 11, 2005

I do not know what to type. I know I want to study and revise yet whenever I took out a book, my mind will wonder off to other things. I have been doing so mistake here and there. For instance, there is a POA test today. There was a whole list of question which I scanned through and try to list out the answers and format mentally in my brain. However, I completely miss out a 2 marks question! Every little thing which is added up together will come together to form something hugh and I cannot afford to be making all those silly mistake all the time. I can also feel my health deteriorating. It is a far cry from the sporting and energtic young child I used to be. Whenever I do something which requires alot of strength and brain power, I would almost feel my brains being to soffociate, my lungs being block and my muscles giving way. How can I improve my health? I will feel the slightest of discomfort in my brain whenever I study. This is the reason why I hate studying. I know it sounds outrageous because it is just a lame excuse to avoid studying. Maybe I am really too lazy and complacent. However, I believe that with hard work, you do not lose out. Enough of studying again. I been mumbling and thinking of studies, O's and my future. It is time to give myself a break. I planned a list of activities for the next few weeks. Cycling, basketball and possibly gambling. All those thing which I had not done for a long time. Today, I'm proud of reviving my long lost art of cooking. LOL!!! It is the first time in months since I whipped up edible dishes. Maybe I should cook more often so that my mom will not have a chance to cook ( She is too health conscience ). All the dishes were cooked with sambal chilli. I was particularly hunting for ice water after my dinner. Now, I'm thinking of food again. This make my mouth itcy. Trouble! I already stomached an entire packet of chocolate during lesson time all for the name for gaining weight. I guess the best way to gain weight is to eat eat eat and exercise exercise exercise. I am now considering of cooking something to eat after I finish my long overdue homework. =p

posted at 8:35:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Maybe I been thinking of too much things recently thus making myself sick. But I really could not stop myself from thinking. Hope I can get better in time for school tomorrow. Alot of things happen recently and I do not wish to talk about it. Maybe I will just blog down the good news. My hamster which is bearly 3 months old had given birth! But sadly, one baby hamster died. Hopefully the other baby will survive. I'm still sickly now. Couldn't think of anything because my head hurts whenever think. Better stop blogging.

posted at 3:20:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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