My Rantings...
Eugene's Kbkb Place Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Thursday, May 26, 2005

This may not be a special day of other people but it is definately a special day for me. This is the aniversary of when it all started. 26 of march 2005. Time passes sooner than expected and two months had passed unknowingly. Coincidently, I fall sick on this particular day and Cynthia especially came over to cook breakfast for me but in the end, it ended up with me cooking her breakfast for her instead of she cooking for me. After that, I went with her to hunt for job even thought I'm sick. She saw an advertisment and call for an interview. I tagged along to accompany her for her interview. The intervew last for quite some time. I waited for her for close to 30 minutes! Why does guys always have to do the waiting? Haha... But I do not mind thought. I'm willing to wait forever if I could. But I have to say I do fall asleep easily when I'm waiting. Kind of like dooze off. We went to Ntuc to buy drinks and we seat the bus from terminal to terminal! Wow! Cynthia was sleeping on my shoulder along the way and I just stare blankly at the on passing traffic. But despite my sore shoulder which she complain of a bone poking out, I enjoyed the ride. I sent her home again before rushing home again. There will be school tml!

posted at 8:00:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Right from the begining of the day, the moment when I awaken, I could feel a dizzy spell in my head. It was raining like cats and dogs and I have to urge not to go the school. Unfortunately, in view of the Poa competition, I had to crawl out of my bed, dress up and walk out of my warm home to the rainy, windy and cold weather out there. I was in school for a short moment before we were deliver off to NP by a "mini-bus" (more like a van to me). I followed the procedure and this competition was very soon over. There is only two rounds in this competition, the prelimary rounds and finals. My team did not get into the finals thought but something which leave me very BU SHUANG was that Henderson Sec got into the finals!!! Better not be bias against that school. I had my meal at the NP's canteen before going back to school for the inter-house carnival. My throat was very uncomfortable during that time but I just carry on what I am doing. I sign up for the Basketball team but ended up watching as a spectator. I had no interest in playing at all! I play for just merely less than 5 minutes. Is that discriminating the Sec 5s? I reached home at about 6 and took a short nap. I'm really sick today, guess I wil not be going school tomorrow. Tian Guan also loss his wallet due to some confusion and maybe irresponsible act. Hopefully, his wallet could be retrieve soon.

posted at 10:31:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I'm mad!!! I do not know exactly what is my emotion now. I just know that there is a POA competition at Ngee Ann Poly tomorrow. This piece of information is just given to me this morning! I have less than 24 hours to prepare for this competition! Okay! Nevermind! This competition have only 30 MCQ questions and I have to stay at that poly for around 5 hours! Does it take such a long time to do, mark and tell us the answer? Anyway, tomorrow will be the second time I will be going to NP. I am able to skip all the lesson tomorrow! This competition will be a good learning experience and I could get a prize! Lol! Better do not have such high expectation or the disappointment will be higher. There is also an inter-house carnival after school tomorrow. I had not select for any event and I guess I would just hang around the basketball area. No other sport interest me more than basketball. Lets continue on with today's happening. I can go home early as the rest of my classmate are preparing for the big 'O' which is just around the corner - Chinese. I went to redhill Mrt forgetting that the ticket office there is already shutted down. So, I walked home and after changing clothes, I was on my way to Tiong to buy the concession pass. I walked past Tiong Bahru Park and did some self-reflection. Alot of stuff had been crossing my mind lately and a matter trigger the boiling part of it. But I'm glad to say that all this matter had been solved and I hope this matter will be wiped off my memory before long. My mom also came up with another excuse to nag at me. It is soo irritating! But I will try to tolerate as much as possible. Tomorrow is the "competition" and I had not done any revision! Complacency? This could be very true!

posted at 10:26:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, May 23, 2005

Sorry!!! I crap alot in my last blog. I did not know what I'm blogging about. I apologize for not blogging seriously but at least find me a topic to blog about! I'm really serious about improving my English! Help!!!

posted at 10:32:00 PM by Eugene

Announcing - I finished reading one of the most interesting books I ever read - Who Moved My Cheese? Now,I am going to practise my summary skills. Firstly, let me introduce the characters in the story. The two mice - Sniff who sniff out changes early & Scurry who scurries into action quickly. The two little people - Hem who denies and resists changes and Haw who learn to adapt to changes in time. I will not be flipping through the pages now so do not blame me if I got any details wrongly. Sniff, Scurry, Haw and Hew looked for cheese in the maze at the begining. The cheese was soon found at cheese station C. Haw and Hew settled down at cheese station C and announce the cheese there as theirs. However, they did not notice the change in the amount and quality of the cheese. Sniff and Scurry notice the change and had anticipated a moment when all the cheese will be gone. Soon, the cheese ran out! The mices adapted to the changes quickly and were soon out to find new cheese. However, the little human got into a little debate as they did not anticipated these change. They thought someone had moved their cheese. Haw soon ignore his pal fear of proceding back into the maze and begin exploring the maze all over again. He found little bits of cheese here and there. Soon, He found Cheese Station N which was overflowing with cheese! Haw thought of the lesson learnt from this experience and hope Hew would have done the same. I will type out the lesson learnt in brief.
1 - Changes Happen
2 - Anticipate Changes
3 - Monitor Changes
4 - Adapt To Changes Quickly
5 - Change!
6 - Enjoy Change!
7 - Be Ready To Change Quickly & Enjoy Change Again
Now, for my thoughts about this short story. I feel that upon listening to this story, the reader or listener will few he/she is Hem and this will have an effect on the human brain physiologically and making them think they have to change. They are embarass of being called "Hem" and this lead to them wanting to change. On the other hand, this story also allow readers to look back into their life and reconsider life as a simplier and non-complicated approach. Then, the world will be look upon as a simplier place without tough decision to make it we just follow their approach. Change with time and do not stay in the past. However, it's easlier said than done. To change, it will take alot of pride, will-power and settling down all over again when changes come. This could be why we refuse to change. I better stop now. I do not know what rubbish I am typing about and I could be sue for slandering. ( I read about a blogger being sued ) Where in the freedom for speech in Singapore? Couldn't we at least voice out our thoughts? Is it because people refuse to listen to our thoughts as they do not want changes to occur? Our thoughts could be the key to improve our life! Where is the " your opinion is important to us " going about? Does it end up in the trash can without much consideration?

posted at 3:48:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Sorry my blogspot. Had not touch you for days. Now I will set a rule for myself - BLOG EVERYDAY IF POSSIBLE. Miss Tan had said that blogging does help to improve English. Why not give it a try? It will not take up more than 30 minutes each day. I am very sick these days. Post Examinations Fever? My results were very poor thought and I have to work very hard the next few months. I shifted the children hamster to the cage perviously occupied by the old hamster. I think it will not be returning as a week had already passed. It's not that I had given up hope on the returning of the old hamster but I plan to give it a new home upon it return - A new cage. But I'm currently broke and owing a big debt so I would have to find some source of money - Working during the holidays. Who got good job offers please tell me! I am willing to work anything except fastfood to earn money. Plenty of stuff for me to buy and they are all very costly. The trip to Pulau Ubin will burn a hole in my pocket. The birthday gift I owe will also make me go hungry for at least a week. I will end here now. I will blog faithfully for the next few months and hopefully my computer will not be under the threat of Virus and Spyware again! And one last thing to add - I'm very happy today!

posted at 9:33:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I have freaked out. All those studying and revising had been a terror! I'm easily irritated these days and short-tempered too! Is this a phrase which all students suffered from? If I have the power to change the past, there is definately alot of aspect which I really wanted changes in. But it is all too late. All I can do is try to make the best out of all my mistakes and enjoy life as it comes. It makes my heart melts just to watch those cute hamster playing. Their life is so carefree. Which of those two opition is better? A simple carefree life or a complicated life with tasks to fulfill? I will choose the previous if I have the choice instead of having to face competitions, deadlines and decisions. Now I am going to blog everyday in an attempt to improve my lousy English - The universal communication language. Is there civilisation out there which is completely not in contact with the cruel world I'm in? I will gladly exchange anything to be in those civilisation! But now back to the bad cruel world. I was late for school today as I got a stomachache. I already change into my school uniform and waiting for the bus when the urge to do my "business" suddenly came. I rushed home and stayed there till 9 to make sure my stomach is well again. Upon arriving at school, I have to go to the general office to get a slip to comfirm my arrival time. While waiting, Mr Lau ( The principal ) walked into the office. What precise timing! He asked why I'm late and I replied directly " I was shitting at home " Mr Lau then laugh at the use of my english to phrase this sentence and was joking at what a pathetic stage english is now. How should I phrase this sentence then? so that it will sound more formal. Anyway, school was pretty boring and teachers gone through correction for the whole day. Nothing interesting thought and I was on the way home upon dismissal. When home to sleep the whole day and I intend to study after this. What to start with? Can someone plan out a time-table for me?

posted at 7:40:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I have all my results now! I got A1 for math and poa, B3 for combine sciences, C5 for combine humanities, failed my CLB and english was atorious. The results were flowing in smoothly until English came along. We have to stay back after school to take the results and the atmosphere was quite tense with ocassionally people joking around. I done badly for my english! I was shocked when I received my compo paper. I got only a pathetic 9 marks. Out of point? Wrote Crap? Unclear Sentences Structure? The teacher say she did not understand what I'm writing and I honestly wrote out that piece of essay without thinking much. I only remember I dislike all the questions presented to us. Now that I got back all my results, it's time to do some self-reflection. I have to do personal revision on my own and ask the teacher for help in some areas I'm weak at eg Humanities & English. However, the result overall are better than expectation. I just feel reality is cruel. Scoring well for almost all other subject yet being shot down at the end of the road - English. I will do anything, I mean everything, to push my English up to at least a C5. I desperately need those results! Quarreled with my mother over my English results! Doesn't she understand my limits? There are no perfectionist in this world. Everyone had a flaw! I cant possibly score destination for every single thing being pushed to me! You have to understand that your son is also a normal student and not those genius in top schools! I will try my best in everything I do! After all, it's my future and it's not yours! I control my own fate! I know what I want in life! I know the limits to what I can do! Pushing me will only result in me getting stressed out! Sigh! Where is the hamster? Will it come out to console its unhappy master or hide in a corner and laugh at his master? Anyway, I saw a book at the library - Who moved my cheese? This is a self-improvement book and I found it to be very interesting. It is about two mice and two little guys who have different ideas, attitude and thoughts. The one who is stubborn and resistance to changes will always lose out in the end. Am I one of the characters being mention in the story book? =(

posted at 9:07:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

After the exams, it was lesson as prenormal. However, none of the teachers taught and every one of them were giving back our exam papers and calling us to do correction. I got two A1s - Math & POA. This should be an expectation of me. My Math was full of careless mistake and was far from my expected marks. My Social Studies got 28. Although it was a passing mark, I felt it was low and underserving. Do not wish to mention this any further. The last paper returned to us is the Physic paper. I scored 45. Not too bad considering I had not been touching my science books for months. In brief, I felt that the result gotten today are not too good overall. Really hoping to do better for my Humanities. After school, I have a nap at home before going to find Cynthia. Long time had not seen her and she is still the same! We had a breadtalk meal together and after a short walk, I walked her to the cross junction of the road before rushing home. The 2nd time already. Updates on the missing hamster! IT IS STILL MISSING!!! It seems that it found a better home somewhere else and rufuses to come out. Hopefully it's enjoying itself and I send my regards to it. All the best wishes and best of luck my beloved OLD HAMSTER. *sad*

posted at 10:55:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, May 16, 2005

Chinese listening compre and Science ( physic/chemistry ) MCQ paper is the last paper for this mid year examination. I was not in the mood study and as a result, I think I done the science paper without understanding. I did not even bring a calculater to school today! Forgotten all about it thus I have to do mental calculation. Sigh! Old Hamster! Where Are You!? Have a change of clothes before going to Sentosa - a place where I had not been for months. Daniel bought a girl along. His future girlfriend supposingly? Who knows. It was only a small group. I miss the days where there were 20 plus people around playing in the beach. Play there till 7 plus. Way past the time which we planned to leave. After that, we when to the harbour front market and I ordered 2 plates of cooked food. Still hungry after I stomached both plates. So I rushed home to eat the meal prepared by my mom. Now I'm so tired and missing someone or something terribly! Where are you!? Please come out now? I miss you!

posted at 10:02:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Lets begin with what happen on Saturday. I had been to lazy to blog this few days. Always very sleepy and blur. Guess that is why I let my hamster escape. I will explain that later on in my blog. I stay at home till 3 plus and after that I return Cynthia's hamster - the fierce one. In which, she give me two hamster. The flesh and blood of the two older hamster which given birth two weeks ago. They are tiny and kind of cute. We walked at her pack for a few hours before having our meal at greenridge mall. She told me to order chicken cutlet rice but I ordered chicken chop rice mistakenly. It taste rather well and I had no regret choosing that meal. That is one of life's lessons - Never To Regret What You Choosen. We went for a walk at BP plaza before I send her home. It was furiously raining when I had to go home. The lightning was frightening flashing away. The raining drops are continously driping from the endless darkness of the sky. I borrowed an umbrella from Cynthia and walked to the mrt station. The distance seems to be endless as nearly every 5 steps I took, a lightning flashes. I was thankful when I reach the Lrt station. I reached home soon after and took a bath. I wanted to play with the old hamster and I opened its cage waiting for me to come out while playing the computer. But it was asleep and I continued playing the computer until I was tired. I went to sleep and forgetting all about the poor hamster. The next day when I awaken, I was shocked to find and opened cage. That means the old hamster have the liberty to do all it wants. I search every single corner in the my home. Searched high and low but to no avail. Its disapearance was for the entire day. I tried using food to lurk it out and it doesn't work. Oh my god! Please come out soon or else I will be dead meat when my parents found out. I miss you!!! Really hope it will come back safely to me and its home sweet home is waiting of her

posted at 11:16:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, May 13, 2005

Principles Of Accounts - The last paper for the week. Finally huh? Realize on the way home that I made some serious mistake on the MCQ section. Nothing actually, one will necer be perfect no matter how hard one tried. Cynthia met me after my exams to accompany me after my examation. I knew I had been pretty irritated this days - maybe because of exams - so I decide to control my temper as well as possible and not to anger anyone else. I cooked instant noodles with scamble eggs at home to eat and after that, I had another two meal at tiong bahru market. It was like - all noodles. It was damn filling and we walked all the way to Tiong Bahru CC to rest our hurting stomachs. Who knows eating so much will hurt? I used to eat much much more than those and my stomach will still be able to take it. Couldn't shit the whole day too. Weird? Very likely. Nevermind, I promise to gain as much weight as possible too. Play basketball at the CC awhile to digest our stomach. The basketball was borrowed and I play terribly. Had not been hitting the basketball court often already. My skills is poorer than the "xiao di di" there. Lol! After the ball game, we walk all the way to Great World City buy drinks and without much thoughts, we bought tickets for "amityvilli horror". This movie is kind of something else from the other horror films. It delivers some kind on unexplainable suspense. But it was pretty boring at the begining. Something funny happen during the movie which I cant put into my blog or else I will get scolded ;p Next, we walk again! From Great World City to Bugis. I betted with Cynthia we will not walk past Chinatown and I won! Cynthia - you must keep your promise or else I will be angry de hor! I am exhausted by the time I reached bugis but I had no choice but window shop with her around there. Next stop - the desert shop! Finally a place for me to settle down and rest. I ordered one of my favorite deserts - strawberry mango jelly. I kept quiet and continue eating to allow Cynthia to watch the channel 8 show. Not really interested in that show as recently I had been studying and not watching the prime time slot. After that I went to eat fried bee hoon with mee. Again noodles! I'm getting sick of them already! Sent Cynthia home after that and went to take bus home. It was pretty late when I reach home and I am terribly TIRED! I couldn'n control my sleepyness and after my bath, I soon ZZZZZZZzzzzzz

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, May 12, 2005

My body hurts! Gone to the gym yesterday to have a really intensive work out. My god! my strength and tolarance are deproving. Compare to the "me" of the past, I could easily pump all the masses and my body just take it as a routine training. Now going once a week is already taking up alot of my energy. Drank the protein drink but doesn't seems to be effective. I could feel my body tissues tearing apart! But strangly, I like the sensation of the pain flowing inside me. I feel that I had become at least - a little stronger. I could be mad or a sadist already, a man who love pain.

posted at 9:43:00 PM by Eugene

In a blink of an eye, a week past, the mid year examination is completing soon. I had enough of books, textbooks, notes and guidebook. I'm going to shut myself out from all those stuff at least for a few days to regain back my beloved brain cells... Cant log in to blogger the last 2 days. I guess it is because I blocked cookies from blogger. No wonder had not been able to blog the last few days. The last few exams - Physic, Math, Geography and CLB, were kind of a breeze for me. Although I realise I made some careless mistake. Nevermind, at least give me a 15 pointer to show me where is my standard. I had a terrible headache on tuesday while studying for geography. In the end, I gave up and tried to find some forms of relaxation in Msn and on the TV. Sleep alot on that day to make sure I am fresh for the next day. The geograhpy paper was surprisingly easy and I wrote all the crap which comes into my mind. Today's CLB was fantastic. I finished the paper in within 15 minutes. But despite sleeping late last night, I could not fall asleep in the examination hall. The examinations are going on quite smoothly. Smoother than I expect so I will expect to get good grades for this mid year. All the best to myself!!! Exams are over, it's time to enjoy!!

posted at 10:37:00 AM by Eugene

Monday, May 09, 2005

Argh... After examination had commence, I can feeling something growing inside me. Stress? Unhappiness? Family Problems? Relationship Problem? I can laterally few something heavy weighting on my heart. But what is it? I not certain about it. There seems to be a little problem lying here and there playing Hide-and-Seek with me. Hopefully, I can find them soon. Recently, I been writing my own notes for my own last minute revision. Shirley said that those notes does not seems to be prepared by me. What the HELL! I spend almost an hour plus to prepare all those notes and yet it doesn't seems to be my work? Maybe I'm too messy with my class work. Anyway, the math paper was a breeze but however, the chemistry paper was a killer. It could be because I have not been doing very well for my science the pass few years. Today, I spend 4 hours sleeping. Overslept and as a result, I have to prepare my note till around 10. How much time left for studying? Not much. But I do not feel sleepy so I could be burning the midnight oil tonight. I hope the exams will be over soon so that I will have time to gather all my thoughts together.

posted at 10:42:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Today got a minor headache. Due to studying too much? maybe. I was revising for my chemistry halfway when my head feel a sting. Haha. Izzit because I have not been studying for too long? Anyway, I finsh my self prepared notes at 8 and started re reading the notes all over agian. There is another incredible thing. I reformated my com from 6 onwards but it finish at 10. Something is definately wrong about my computer. Planning to bring it to Sim Lim for repairs after my MYE. Hopefully, I will understand the chemistry paper tomorrow. Have not been revising lately.

posted at 10:01:00 PM by Eugene

Did not went out with Cynthia this saturday. This is because I went to watch a performance of wayne and aloy. They were on weekend delight and did their best ( I could tell ), but alas, they did not came in the top 2 but they too walk away with cash prizes. I was on tv for a brief moment when they were scanning throught the performancer. Haha. Did you saw me? After that, I went to paradize to play pool. Had a meal at long john before going there. My handphone battery was running low and i was trying to save the batt by offing the phone. However, my battery completely ran out at arnd 11 plus causing me unable to make any call. I play till 2 plus before taking a ride in Loti's car to go home. It was thrilling but all good things have to come to an end. I reach home at around 2 plus and surprisingly, my mom did not scold the shit out of me. I kept saying sorry and it works. She was in smiles and I guess it was probability due to the special day itself - Mother's day. Sorry to make you angry Mom. I quickly charge my phone and I realise I had many Missed call and I received some touching Sms. Haha... Really surprise. Me now going bath or else I'm going to get a scolding.

posted at 3:10:00 AM by Eugene

Saturday, May 07, 2005

What is wrong with my computer!!!? Could not log into the internet the whole of last night. Maybe I should have store my computer inside the cupboard till the end of this year before repairing it or buying a laptop to prepare me for polytechnic. When out with Cynthia yesterday night. Before that, we were like argueing over some small matter. Guess I'm having the exam fever and in foul mood over the past few days. Instead of meeting her at her school, I met her at her home. But I learned that she had an arguement with her parents over some family isues and was really unhappy. Okay, it's my fault to have called you to go home in the first place. We went to watch to movie "House Of Wax". It is a pretty dull movie with occassionally attempt to scare. However, most of the scenes were predictable althought they were pretty bloody. After that I sended her home and met my sister to acc her home. Boy... She was late of 30 min! Okay... Nothing else to add except that I got a strange feeling that Cynthia & I are drifting apart, I mean it was like different from the past. Let this matter not affect my mid-year exams.

posted at 1:39:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, May 06, 2005

I have to papers for the day, Socials Studies And CLB P1. Why I'm I always that unlucky to study the wrong chapter? PEOPLE - the nation most percious resources. OH MY GOD! Do not blame me if I fare badly for this paper. Although I read through the chapter on housing a little bit, I am unsure of certain parts to write. Hopefully I can get at least a good pass grade. CLB P1 - what i did? I wrote alot of crap and kept repeating the same stuff over and over again just to acheive the 200 words minimum. Miss Tan came over and commented on my paper "Why is it so short?" jokingly. What can I do? my foundation in chinese is so damn poor. The previous day was English Paper One & Two. Hope I did not blew it like I did in the oral examination. I'm told the paper is considered easy and realise my standard is far from the O's expectations for B. Got to plan out some ideas to really improve my English. Hope I will not be that lazy anymore and work hard - " With Hard Work, Determination & Luck, One Is Bound To Succeed In Life "

posted at 1:54:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I'm now blogging under the danger of my computer being restarted by a trojan. Com freaks out there should know what damage this harmful bug can do. Okay... Some items to address...

1) I was planning to have my meal at bukit merah central food centre. After my mom and i ordered our meal, we waited to be served. Upon being served, my mom gave the shop helper a cool sum of 50 bucks. After a while, the change was still not given to my mom and my mom was begining to get impaitient and decided to ask if they forgotten to return the change. All of a sudden, I heard my mom loud voice, it seems that the shop denial that they had not gotten a $50 note and push the blame to my mom asking wheather she had given the wrong note unknowingly. I told the boss that I swear i saw my mom give the helper a BLUE $50 NOTE! But what the hell,! they insisted they had not received any $50 note. I was trying to talk to them into settling the problem at the most peaceful manner but what was most shocking that they called my mom and I to continue our meal and they would try to settle it in their own hands but however just sit there and talk among themselves as if there was no incident. Bloody Bullshit! My mom became frustrated and walk up to them and demand for the change. But they still claim they have not received any $50 note! They said they had been there for 20 years and have a reputation and will not cheat customers' money! But where is the responsbility and intergity of the shop? They should try to solve any problems reasonably! After all, the helper is already so OLD! and will make mistake because of her failing memory. Upon seeing their indifferent attitude, I told my mom to forget about the incident and to calm down as my mom was really agitated. What is there to be upset if it is at the expense of our health when it is not even our fault! I really hope the autorities will look into this matter as it is a matter of swindling or maybe a mistake they discovered but refuse to admit as it might destroy their reputation. This is an incident no one would want to be involve in; after all, 45 bucks is alot of money!

2) The electronic mega mart - CHALLANGER. I had send my computer for repair twice to this mega mart but both repairs were unsuccessful. Where is their attitude making sure their job is well done? especially if their job is concerning the service to the public? Twice, the computer sent for repair appears fine but after a day, it turned faulty again. Now, from a spybot virus, to a Trojan! It envolve into a virus deadlier than the previous. I had carry to heavy processor downtown twice and there is no way my carrying it down again and yet still receive another faulty repaired computer? Im thinking of bringing it to SIM LIM to change the parts. If anyone know of any lobang must tell me hor... Hehe...

3) Another thing to complain - the weather. It is so damn hot nowadays i'm perticularly sweating from head to toes everyday. The rain make it humid too. Hope this weather goes away soon.

4) If anyone would have notice, my nick seems to be directly aiming at my father - a man of blood relationship with me. A father is someone worth respecting and should set a good example for their son. However, all my life, my father is a dominating person who is irresponsible and do not listen to reasoning. He just waste his life, drinking, smoking and gambling, each day. No allowance to the family, Vent his temper out on the family, spread this indesirable behavior into the family. Now, my respect for him is at a new low! the man had hardly no diginity in himself, spending his life in a sad pathetic manner which not even my mother feel sorry for. I really regret one thing in life - that is having YOU as my father!

5) Enough of complaining and complaining. On the 26 of april was my first month together with my dear - CYNTHIA or PUI LENG. I wanted to tell you that the time spend with you was some of the happiest time in my life ( I'm still young ;p ). I do not really dare express myself but I have been trying my best to make you a princess. I would also want to thank you very much for being there for me at the time I'm feeling low, or laughing at my jokes ( they are not funny I know ), the oversize T - Shirt, the old hamster ( it really perk me up just to look at it ), the milk botter, spending time to understand the weird me and the constant shower of love you given me. Hehe... I dare not say more or else I will get tease to death ( already tested out my miss chua ).

6) My new handphone - Nokia 3230. Its is bought supposely on 27 0r 28 of April. Haha... real costly and Today, Cynthia bought me a handphone pouch ( the quality not very good ) no choice, have to use because it is bought by her. I'm thinking of buying a memory card ( reduce MMC ) have to save up to buy now, saving alot of files inside my phone from then on.

7) Madam Yani spoken in class on friday not concerning POA but human values. She spend the entire period pouring out what's on her mind and say our class were lacking in Love Care & Concern. I agree, but however, in an acadamic incline class, competition is steep and everyone wanted to be the few best in the class. That means, everyone wanted to be perfectionist in terms of their acadamic results. But everyone knows that there is no such idea such as perfect. Being perfect is one of the few VERY HARD task to be done and one have to be satisfy with the area of perfection he/she is in. I'm not saying one not to improve on themself but after all, there is a limit to what human can do. Having Love, Care & Concern cannot be achieve as an individual but most be done as a whole. I believe the 5B will try their best to be the most perfect class in QTSS N(A) history.

8) Exam is drawing near. However, I'm still reading storybook instead of revising ( storybook is more fasinating ). Cynthia said I have been boasting about my Math and POA and advise me that I should not take those two subject for granted. But right now, I worried more on my humanities and English. I had done revision for Humanities and I have Re-begin reading storybooks and newspaper. Hope it will buck it my poorer subjects.

Okay... I better end here. It is kind of nagging already. It is 3.19 in the morning now and i'm still at my desk blogging. The weather had been so hot that every night, my eyes are wide open. Wow.. Hope the weather will get better soon.

posted at 3:17:00 AM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
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