My Rantings...
Eugene's Kbkb Place Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Friday, February 18, 2005

Along the roads of orchard road was a parade called the parade of dreams. I think it is the 33th aniversary of this glamous event. I called Pui Leng along to watch the show as I had two tickets for the spectator view. We wait ancitipately for the parade to begin. Alas, the parade was a disappointment. It seems to get worse every year. We left in the middle of the "Parade of Dreams" in search of somewhere to go. Oh ya! I will like to thank Pui Leng veri veri much! She bought me a mineral water costing $6.40 just because I said I was thristy. Thanks Alot. After that, We walked all the way towards Clarke Quey. Pui Leng was exhausted by the time we reach there. She kept thinking that I'm leading her in the wrong direction. Anyway, we rested at the steps beside the Singapore River before going home. It was very late by then and we were panicking wheather we can get on a cab. All well that end well. We got into a cab and was soon our way home.

I miss School today! hope I did not miss anything important teach by the teacher.

posted at 11:58:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Two teacher discuse with my class. One issue is on deciding to continuing in Secondary 5 or go on to ITE instead of wasting time in Secondary School when you achieve nothing in the end. The other issue is concerning A math.
Let me begin on what Mr Low said during PE lesson. He said Sec 5 will be a different ball game. He said it is completely different from the NA standard and the going will be tough for the next few months till the O level. His words kidda demoralise me. It makes me feel that I will not be able to achieve my desire grade unless i really put in my effort. He said going to ITE might be a better route than completing O's with poor result.
Next, Madam Goh had a long session with us during remedial time. She say there were alot of complains regarding us. We had not been doing homeworks given to us. After that, We were ask to give our views towards the pevious month of A math lesson. Anyway, there were joke all around and the atmosphere was very relax.

Haiz... Do not wish to think about all those thing right now.

posted at 10:16:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

What ought to be celebrated are all celebrated. The CNY holidays flew pass sooner than I expected and I am again in a pile of Study materials, Homeworks, Textbooks and Notes. My bag is in a mess! I'm really considering to buy a bag and files to organise everything neatly. My bag is running out of space to stuff all my work inside. My primary concern - English, Humanities & Physic. I done badly for these subject this term. I have to put more effort on the weaker subject and boast my better subject to better grades.

Right now, my head is in a fuzzy. So many thoughts had been running pass my mind lately. Haha. Are those contributing towards my headache? Seem to have headache quite often whenever I think really hard. May the Rain make way for a Sunny day.

posted at 8:35:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine Day to everyone out there. If good it will be if Valentine Day is a Holiday and i do not have not attend school. Alas, it was not to be. I stay in school till arnd 3 o'clock. Haha... Nothing much more to add except my eyes is falling now. So tired! Haha... Hope today will be a memorable day for many people out there.

posted at 8:25:00 PM by Eugene

Saturday, February 12, 2005

After CNY, it is time back to school. Wow... a single day also dun give us off. Haha... Went out till quite late for this day. Reach home around 12 plus already. Den Saturday, the whole day was going to pai nian. Travel to some areas of singapore that is unknown to me. Haha... Gamble alot on this day but i'm lucky not to lose much. Haiz... CNY is over and i have to start my revision plan already. Can't continue on with my attitude towards school or my O's result will be terrible.

posted at 8:20:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Today is the second day of CNY... Did not went to my Uncle house for a long long time. I even forgotten the way to his house. But at least I remember which unit he live in. Everyone they was so familar yet they seems different. I guess it is because I had not seen all of them for so long. Had my lunch there and after that I watch tv while my mother chat with her sibbings. When to Grand Uncle house after that. No one there seems to remember me. They said I had matured. Haha... Mayb bah... Spend some time there before I when to have my dinner and after than go home. Wow... I grown a tummy within two days. Haha... Good... I'm getting fat... ;p

posted at 9:09:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Today is the lunar new year Chu Yi( Spell Correctly?) Nothing much to do today and i spent my day playing games on my computer and watching dvd. Seat till my buttock start to hurt and the chair became very warm. Hope Chu Er will be more fun.

When to River Hong Bao as there was nothing to do at home and also because of some other unhappy incidence. It seems to me that River Hong Bao is veri dull as it seems to be the same every year. However, there was a large crowd squeeze and pushing. Hate this type of place. Anyway, I saw alot of familar faces at River Hong Bao. In the end, I saw Pui Leng and we wanted to ride a few of the rides there. We left our parents chatting among themselves. However, the rides all seems very boring and we when for a stroll. Haha... I think my eye sight in getting worst. Pui Leng say that she saw me walking pass her but i hardly notice it. It was again her who spot me the second time. Gee... I think i better wear my specs out the next time. On the way home, I saw pegan. However, I'm not sure that i see her as my vision is so blurry. Haha.. called her to make sure and it was indeed her. Haha.. another prove that my eye sight is deproving.

Tomorrow, i'm going to visit my uncle house and grand uncle house. Had not seen them for a long time. Hope there is much to talk about. Anyway... Happy Chinese New Year to everyone out there.

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, February 07, 2005

Wow.... I realise now that I had not blog for quite some time. Let me try to recall the past few days happening. Nothing happen this few days. Alot of preparation is being made for the upcoming chinese new year. I went to BEST on thursday to buy my long awaiting Home Threate System. I could not decide on buying a large speaker or a small speaker. I finally settled on a small 5.1 surrond system which sound quality is considered not bad. I bought it on a cash and carry basic as I wanted to have it set-up as fast as possible. The moment I reached home, I immediately fixed up the system. It took me 2 hours to complete the task. Wow... I am imagining me seating on my new sofa, with the surround system, watching video all day long.

On Saturday, the furniture arrived. I was just clearing up my computer table when the sofa arrived. Haha... After the deliver-men left, I quickly clear up the rest of the computer table and later rest on the sofa while watching a Dvd. That is what I called life. Later on that day, I when to orchard to shop for clothes. Haha.. I blow my budget buying a levis jeans. I also bought a long sleeve black shirt and a wallet. It was much cheaper compare to the jeans.

On Sunday, I went to bugis. I was looking forward to seeing P.L there. But she arrive in the evening and I was already home by then. So tired on that day. Haha.. guess we are not fated to meet. I saw plenty of clothes and bags I wanted to buy. But I do not have much cash left. Just as well save up and go on a shopping spree once I'm rich.

Today is the eve of the chinese new year eve. Went to NTUC for some last minute shopping for CNY goodies. Feel kidda dizzy today. Hope it gets well in time for CNY.

posted at 11:16:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Let me start with wad happen at school. Wow... Damn tiring day today. Had lessons till 3.30. I was already very tired by then but I did not went home. I play bball in school inspite of my injure finger and wraist. Quite a good game. I was really veri tired but I still hang around to watch the dundee and commonwealth house practise. After leaving school, on the way home in the bus, I was already forcing my eyes to be open. Haha.. Went to queensway shopping centre in the evening but I cant seems to find anything I fancy. Haiz... Waste of my time. Could had spend it having a nap.
Oki.. Now about the essay... I disagee that money is important. What am I thinking? I hope it is relavant to the topic. Haha... Really very sleep now. Stopping here now...

posted at 10:51:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

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Jie Ming
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Kuan Long
Miss Tan
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