My Rantings...
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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Today, instead of going to departmental stores or supermarket to buy the furnitures, My mom and I when to Henderson Industry Park instead. The Sofa there were not that bad but the prices was a wow factor too. In order to have a discount, my mom also call me to buy my study desk. I request for a computer chair and wonders of wonders, my mom agreed. Together, the purchase was cut down because of all the things we bought. The chair was real comfortable and i cant wait to seat on it once it arrives. It is some kidda director chair but just a simplier version. Once the desk arrive, I have to work hard already. Since there is such a big space for me to do my work.

posted at 9:00:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Wow.... I sprain my leg, my leg muscles feels so pain, my head hurts and i feel dizzy. Could it be because of the weather? Could it be because of the stress i'm having? So many possibility but all i want it to lead to is getting well. My health nowadays is getting from bad to worse. No strength to lift weight, no stamina to run afew kms, get headache when studying. Y is all this? Hope i get well soon enough!

posted at 10:48:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Today, I been wondering about two things. My Add math and my sport heats event. I considering to drop all my events for the sport heats except the 4 x 400m. I feel that I'm not up to the mark despite being selected for those event. Haha... I also don't think i got the time to train for sport heats with my schedule pack. Another is my Add math. I plan not to go to college anymore. I think Poly suits me more was this lazy bug inside my body. And add math is really unscrewing the bolts of my brain. I just wanna concentrate getting good result of my 5 O's subject to get into S.P. Damn... I'm hating Sec 5 life!

posted at 7:00:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, January 24, 2005

When to school as usual on monday. Got some mondays blue. The PE lesson was damn tiring. I had to sprint 2 rounds. Even though i could rest for awhile, my leg muscles were aching so much that my butt hurts. Ouch... Had not sprint for a long time. Lesson were as usual but the assemble was hilarious. There were some old days jazz dancing and when ask for voluteers, there was a funny guy who when up and do all sort of funny move. He dancing was the the way the instructor teach him and I could not describle how amusing his actions were. Assemble ended at estimated 3pm. When to gym. While in the gym, i got a spliting headache. Wow... i guess it could be because i lift too much weight. Haha... I never learn my lesson. After that, When Telok Banglah to get my school pants. It was 2 weeks overdue and finally I get to wear my new pants. Wow... Damn tired today. Haha... after so persistence by someone to ask me to bath before having my nap, I finally agreed. Wow... Immediatly when to sleep after that. Woke up at 8 plus to have my dinner and do my homework. Wow... Still so tired now.

posted at 10:25:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, January 21, 2005

Today is a holiday! I do not have to attend school but... I still woke up early in the morning.. Could have slept till 12 but my handphone keep ringing and i had no choice to wake up. I was half dead playing soccer and I had to bear with my hunger and tiredness. When the sunnest time of the day came, we packed and when home to have a bath before meeting up to have lunch and go for a outing together. I when to paradise centre first to look for some lan shops. However, all the shops there were full. Marina south was voted to be my next destination. There was plenty of people there having their steamboat buffet and hanging out near there makes me hungry. Anyway, I did not have a chance to eat as my purpose of going there is to play some computer game. Wow... after some time, I'm damn bored so i quit playing and wait for the rest to finish their game. I was damn tired that i fall asleep at one of the games machine but what the hell, the shop keeper call me not to sleep on the machine. Haiz... I was so damn tired for waking up so early. I left Marina South at 7 plus to have out dinner. We are undecided where to have our dinner and in the end, we decide to have our dinner at aug's parents shop. I reach there at 9? Forgotten the time already. I could only rmb the food was insufficent and i was still veri hungry after my meal. I when to aloy's house next to gamble. Haiz.. not my day. I lost 5 bucks... haha... Broke already... Did nothing except slacking there and when left there at arnd 12 plus. I also had to acc JM to wait for bus. In the end, I reach home at 1 something. Wow... Cannot tahan lei... decide to sleep early... haha... but in the end I also 2 plus sleep.... So damn tired

posted at 11:09:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Today i did not when to school. I was tired and had a veri painful headache at that time. So I continue to sleep till 11. When to see the doctor who gave me medicines and a MC for my absent to school. When to buy my lunch and after my meal, I spend a total of 1 hour calling to Creative to for some help. Have to visit them in order to repair my mp3. Today was also the day Miss Tan returned me my "I Can Make A Difference" essay. Wow... Plenty of grammer mistake. Gonna find a way to correct my mistake and improve on my english. I also change my blogskin. Despite all the help I received, it was still me who found the skin I really wanted. Anyway, thanks to those who help me. It was appeciated. Tomorrow I have to return to school and catch up with all my school work. Gotta keep up with the pace.

posted at 10:50:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Once again, selection for the sports heats begin. I had no choice to go as it was compulsory and not going will result in disipline punishment. Anyway, it was after my Math remedial so I decided it will not hurt to attend the house practise.

I tried my luck on 400m, 800m and the high jump. I was lucky to scrape though the high jump. It was the first time participating in that event and I had exactly no idea what to do. Anyway, I will practise hard for all my track and field events this year. It will be my last year in Q.T.S.S. and I have to do something for my house. Hope I can do well can earn some medal.

Lastly, I learned a new chapter on Add Math today. It is called differenciation. I heard it is going to be tough. Better study hard.

posted at 7:59:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, January 09, 2005

What is the secret to accelerating faster?? I had been reading the tips for nearly a whole hour yet when i test it out, I does not seems to have any effect. I wasted alot of credits on Daytona yet i still cant catch the secret formula. I got some parts right yet the other parts was disasterious. I gotta attain those secrets one day!

The rain is also destroying my mood. Plans are spoilt because of the damn rain. Make me cant play basketball and make me unable to do my homework as the coldness make me sleepy ;p So rain rain... can you go away?

posted at 1:03:00 AM by Eugene

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Today is the first lesson of CLB. Only 8 students was in the class. Out of the 8, four was from our class and 3 of those in our class taking CLB was taking A math. So my chinese teacher said that those who are good in numbers are terrible in their chinese. Haha... I guess it is true.

The teacher's expectation was the same as other teachers. But I request to have a nap when I'm tired. Surprisingly, the teacher granted me to have a nap for maximum 10 min. Haha... Really unexpected. But however, we are to stay back for 30 mins everyday to put in effort in our chinese. Hope I can pass the CLB paper.
The teacher also set 3 rules.
(1) No listening to CD player or Mp3 players
(2) No using of handphone during listen time
(3) Do not talk to others in class

Haiz... if i do not have to study for chinese. I also have to take the CLB paper at other schools. Damn chinese. Why am i born out in a society which use Chinese as a second language? I can already listen and speak that language. What for must I learn to read and write?

posted at 5:22:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I still have not idea wheather I am aiming for C.I or Poly. Both offers different challanges and both also have it's advantage. Which suits me more? That is the quenstion i have been wondering. If I want to sign up of additional math, I have to consider fast. The closing entry for admission to O level is this month.

Before I make my decision, I have to consider afew factors.
(1) Will studying A math affect my other subject.
(2) Will I be able to handle all the topics within a year.
(3) What use will the subject be to me if i decide to choose the Poly route.
(4) Do I have the time to do revision for both A math and my other subject.

Madam Goh recommend that if we had less than A2 for E math last year, we would go back to our normal E math class and treat the A math as an exposer which will benefit us when we apply for Poly or JC. She also advice those taking Chinese this year not to take the A math. I had no problem as I had drop my Chinese and had one less subject to worry for. If I have a tutor or someone to teach me, it will be a bonus factor.

I had not much time to think so think i would have a go in A math. Hope I would not regret my decesion.

posted at 11:05:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Today is when normal lesson begin. There was another spot check on the hair. Luckily, my hair was of acceptable length. Today, My Chinese teacher inform me that i will be taking CLB as i had fail my N level chinese. Just as well, i have no interest in that subject and i can concentrate more on other subject. When to the first lesson of A math today. One word to describle what it felt like "EMBRASSING". Mayb it was the age differences or mayb it is the height differences. Just as well. No choice as i wish to study A math. Share a book with one of the students in the class. Nothing else was interesting in class after that.

After school, I meet up with the HOD of Math. She say she could consider us taking A math for the O levels but she reminded us that it will be tough and ask if we can handle the stress. She gave us a night to think it over and write a letter of our expectation to her. I think i should be trying on for A math as i already took CLB. That means i had only 5 subjects remaining. Taking A math will mean i will have O Levels Subject. I guess i will have a go on it. It will do me good in future and i am also been motivated to take A math.

I watch the long awaited movie i wanted to watch. National Treasure. It was a fantasic movie. Nice plot, realistic, thrilling and suspenseful. It was really worth waiting to watch it. I had done what i promise so far. I done my homework. Spend the night typing out the letter to be given to the HOD of math. How the outcome will be what i wanted.

Getting real sick of school now!

posted at 10:39:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, January 03, 2005

After 7 weeks of holiday, it is finally back to school. As it was raining, we had to morning assemle in class. After the assemble, there was a spot check for the length of the hair. Unfortunately, my hair is longer than the expected hair length of the hair. my hair was cut as a result. The most saddening is my side-burn. Had been leaving it for months and been cut off in less than a minute.

However, there is still good news. I was told that i am able to have A math lesson. A consolation for me. I was over the moon when i heard this piece of news. I also promise myself not to be too over-confident. It had lead me to careless mistake every now and then. School was a breeze. None of the teacher taught as we had not bought the textbook. No assemble too, so I am allow to be dismiss early.

After school, I rushed to a saloon to have a hair-cut. I had to see layers of my hair being cut off and within and hour, my hair had transform into a short army style hair. No worries. It will grow longer within two weeks. When to gym later as a result. Did what i usually do there and when home just in time to watch Double Happiness II.

Now i have to study for A math. Have to resuffle my schedule in order that I can have the time to do my revision. I'm aiming to do well for my O levels. All the best to myself. I had also promise Pui Leng to work hard, pay attention in class and do my homework regularly. I believe i can do it.

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
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July 2005
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October 2005
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Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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