My Rantings...
Eugene's Kbkb Place Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Saturday, December 25, 2004

Today is christmas eve... been intending to watch National Treasure. Haiz.. change of plans... Went to orchard to celebrate christmas. Orchard was very damn freaking crowded. everywhere i go there is sure to be a crowd for me to squeeze through. Anyway, i saw alot of people i know at orchard. haha.. at every turn, i can see at least some people i know.
When hereen to have my dinner. wow... it cost me a bomb. anyway, we spend the time there deciding where shall we go for our countdown. in the end, we when to the esplande. actually we were intending to go to east coast. but we will not be on time. so we choose a nearby place. haha.. not very crowded at there. the countdown was over shortly and we begin to wonder where shall we go. i wif the all the people arnd took photos to keep as memorable. we took a bus to chee hao's house to stay over for the night. but we when to a coffee shop to have a quick meal before going up to chee hao's hse. we also pause at the playground to have some ghost storytelling. haha...
A chee hao's hse, it was wonderful. chee hao is a wonderful host. all of us have a good time there talking all sort of this and that. haha.. before we know it, it was sun rise, we had breakfast at chee hao's hse and left soon after. i when home for a long long nap waking up in the afternoon. Haha.. this is one of the best christmas eve i ever had.

posted at 11:05:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Happy Birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to myself,
happy birthday to meeee.

Finally I turn 16 on tis boring day. When to school to buy my school books as i juz got my result yesterday. it was not tat bad; considering that i did not study at all!! wahaha... sorry to those who expect me to do better.
My result are
English - 3
Math - 1
Science - 3
Combine humanities - 3
Principle of Accounts - 2
Chinese - Ungraded

I got mixed feelings... I'm happy becoz i done better than i expected. Im really very disappointed with my POA... Wtf sia... how can i get 2 points for POA. such an easy subject.

Anyway, back to buying my school books. Had a long chat with meiling jie ( the person in charge of the bookshop ). It was the first time i had chat so long wif her even though i been in the school for quite some time.

After that, I went to the gym.. Finally after so many days i'm able to go gym. Haha... goin to push myself to the limit before June 2005. forget to check my weight. haiz... i guess i will have to check it next time to see how much mass i gain.

After gym, I play basketball... Wahaha... My 3 pointers is improving. Juz play for 2 hours before goin home to take a bath an have my haircut. I cut my hair till... erm.. not tat short la... but same old hairstyle. haiz... anything la... since school is reopening. Had my meal at KFC before i when to Aloy house to plae mahjong. Starting, i'm losing quite alot. but in the end, i end up losing 40 cents.. haha... waste of my time playing for 3 hours...

Last but not least, I want to thank Pui Leng.. Thanks for being the first and last to wish me happy bdae... haha... Not forgeting all those who wish me happy bdae too... I'm happy to know that you guys out there still rmb my bdae. A big THANK YOU to all of you.

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

Saturday, December 18, 2004

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

posted at 11:59:00 PM by Eugene

posted at 12:58:00 PM by Eugene

posted at 12:58:00 PM by Eugene

posted at 12:57:00 PM by Eugene

posted at 12:56:00 PM by Eugene

posted at 12:55:00 PM by Eugene

posted at 12:00:00 PM by Eugene

posted at 12:00:00 PM by Eugene

Friday, December 17, 2004

Today is the last day I am staying in Fujian. I will be flying back to Singapore at 4.05 pm. Gonna miss the food, the cheapness of the products and the China Girls!! Haha...
Kkz la... back to the point. Before flying back to Singapore, it will be free and easy completely. We had 3 hours to shop an all in one shopping mall. Wow... It was huge. It will take me at least a day to visit all the stores there. Anyway, I only had limited China cash left so I had to make do with only 2 purchases. Haiz... all the money gone even before I'm back in Singapore. Got alot other things i wanted to buy too. I bought a jeans and a basketball. Wahaha... If i were to boy it in Singapore, It will cost me at least $100. But i bought it at onli $45 only. Haha... what a bargain.
I had my last meal before having to go to the airport and it is one of the most delicious meal I had in Fujian. I guess this tour guide is not that bad. Haha.. always order good food for us to eat.
The trip from Xiamen to Singapore took 4 hrs... I reach my homeland at around 8:15 pm. Reached home at around 9pm. Quickly, I unpack my stuff and catch up with what is happening in Singapore the past week. Haha... Very tired... Guess I'm sleeping early today.

posted at 11:00:00 PM by Eugene

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Today is a long day. Seat in the bus for 2 hours. The first stop of the day is an area where Chen Jia Geng bought and built various type of school ranging from primary to university. Chen Jia Geng was born in China and at a very young age, he came to Singapore. He tried his hand at all type of business and was most successful in trading rubber. therefore, he was nicknamed Rubber King. He was a nation lover and sent all his earnings back to China to built schools. I also had a chance to view his personal belongings and some docment in his possesion.
The next stop is a temple cum museum. It's one of the oldest temple to date. I am really getting sick of going to temple but luckily, the temple also have a museum. It was different from other museum and the items there were quite fasinating.
The last stop before going to dinner is a place which sells special cream and medicine. I was very much recommended by everyone thus my mother bought quite alot. It was extremely costly and i hope it will be worth it.
After dinner, it was free and easy. I bought smelly tofu for the first time in my life. It smells like cow dung but it tastes great. However, the smells will linger in my mouth for quite sometime. Quite disgusting. I also bought plenty of DVDs today. Hope I can bring it in to Singapore without any problems.

posted at 11:00:00 PM by Eugene

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Nothing much to say about today. I was in the bus for 3 hours, shopping for 4 hours and visiting tourist attraction for 1 and a halve hour.
Lemme discrible the tourist attraction first. I have to visit a temple again; one of the oldest temple in history built for a Mazhou goddess ( Dunno if I spell correctly ) , and the house where she use to stay. The next attraction is a brigde made of entirely of stones and one of the earliest of it's kind. The last attraction is a museum which collects stone relics from all religion and a gallery of small model of ships in the olden days.
Now to the bus ride thingy... there is nothing much to say except having leg cramp can butt pain... haha... so i shall now proceed to the next topic.
Lemme recall what i bought today... my mother and i combine together to buy 3 pairs of bi qiu today. They were said to bring luck, wealth and ward off evil to whoever who own them. I bought them as i find them quite attractive. During free-and-easy time, i went shopping centres, street stalls and supermarket. Bought nothing except VCDs at street stalls. In the supermarket, I bought alot of snacks and food for myself while my mother went to find stuff to give to my relatives.
Kkz... to end off, I gain 3 kgs!! Hehe... afew more days and i might reach my target. Gonna keep eating and eating or else where else can i spend my money.

posted at 11:06:00 PM by Eugene

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

"BORING" is the only word to describle today. I had to wake up at 5am to have my breakfast and have to reach the airport by 7am. It was not as cold as i first arrived at Wu Yi Shan but it's fine with me. The plane took only 35 mins to reach Fuzhou and i was listening to MP3s all the way.
When I touch down, I meet the new tour guide. He was kidda nerdy or so i thought. The first place I visit in Fuzhou is a whatever tourist attraction. They show me alot of uninteresting sight but it was much later that I found out their true intention; to promote to us their tea. I was like "NOT AGAIN" almost everyday there is someone promoting me us their tea. Anyway, I did not buy any because I am sick and tired of tea. I left soon for dinner soon after.
The second destination is a temple. I did not remember much there except that there is huge staues of chinese deity and god all over the temple. I did not take any photos there as my mom did not allow me to do so. However, there is one exception, a 1000 plus years old tree which is still bearing fruits .
The third destination is a visit to the golden baffalo park. It was extremely dull and i did not gave notice to anything there.
The fourth destination is a visit to a Shaolin disciple who had a wide knowledge of chinese herbs. He Boast alot about having treated my current P.M. He recommended us to buy his original red dates and ginseng but none of us bought his products. After seeing us off, I could see him sulking beyond his smile.
The rest of the day is free-and-easy except having to meet for dinner. Nothing much to say now except that i bought a jeans. Kidda regret my decision as i do not have any suitable clothes for it. Guess I just have to wear it as causal wear.
Haiz... Kidda miss the first tour guide. haha... She is kidda cute... nothing compare to the boring and nerdy tour guide i have now.

posted at 11:00:00 PM by Eugene

Monday, December 13, 2004

Same old story. Had breakfast and prepare to set off to the heavenly tour peak. It was damn cold in the morning and my fingers were numb due to the cold and i started the 3 hours jouney by foot. By the time i reached the peak, the sun was blazing hot so i decided to hide in the shade and have a bowl of instant noodles and white fungus soup. It cost $35 rmb emstimated to be Sing $7. Wow... was tat ex or wad. i resume my jouney downhill and compare to goin uphill, it was far more simple. Anyway, i took a great deal of photos there and was begining to feel tired when i reached the bus. After everyone was assemble, i am bought to the hotel for lunch.
After lunch, i am immediatly bought to the nine twist stream. i went on board a bamboo rift to prepare to sail down the stream. Along the jouney, there was alot of scenery. However, i was restless can decided to try my hand at paddling the rift. I did quite a fine job except that i do not know how to steer the rift.
After completing the jouney, I was on my way to a Gem And Jade shop. The boss there self proclaim that he was from Singapore but i think otherwise. I guess it was his accent that i had my doubt about him. However, he sold us his products at incredibly low prices. Despite that, i did not buy any because i do not have any use for them.
Next Destination... Tea And Mushroom shop. I had completely no interest so i kept mumbling on the peanuts they offer. However, during that time, i learned alot about digital camera from my cousin and this save me the time from having to read the instruction book.
As i have an early flight to Fuzhou tomorrow morning, I had a quick dinner and bought back to the hotel by 7:30 pm. Haiz... Flying again.. Guess it will help me overcome my phobia of flying

posted at 10:00:00 PM by Eugene

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Still kidda dazed from sleeping only 6 hours. Had breakfast at the hotel restaurant. There was not much variety and as a result, I ate very little.
Soon, I’m on my way to the jetty. The plans for today is visit a tourist attraction island and go for a cruise between the shores of Taiwan and Xiamen. I first took a boat to the island. It was very cramp but luckily I had VIP seats at the second storey of the boat. I followed the tour guide and took some photos of buildings built many years ago. There is also a statue of a general facing the sea. It was a fascinating sight.
After that, I took a boat back to the mainland to have lunch following by a trip back to the jetty for the cruise. It was a boring trip. But fair enough, it has its share of interesting sight and it was also quite cooling and I enjoyed it. It was a 1hr 30 mins trip and I’m more than happy to reach the jetty once again.
I am bought to a museum next. Honestly, I did not understand what there were talking about luck as they were talking in dialect. They called us to buy some stuff and it causes us to miss the chance to shop at Xiamen.
Quickly, I had my dinner. The meal included oyster omelet again. Getting sick of it even though I loved it very much. I was rushed to the airport and before checking out of Xiamen, I took a group photo including the tour guide to keep as memory. But when I reach the gate, the plane was delay for 30 mins. Wow… wad a day. So much delays and boredom.
The plane took only 45 mins to reach Wu Yi Shan. It was very cold. Only 2 degrees but I loved it ;p can’t wait to climb the mountains tml. The temperature is gonna be cool… wahaha…

Sign Off

posted at 11:05:00 PM by Eugene

Saturday, December 11, 2004

As a result of numerous delays, I reach the airport late. However there is more than enough time for me to handle my travel visa and passport and shop round the duty free shop within the airport.
I slept in the plane without touching the food and despite the noisy sound of the engine; I am still able to sleep soundly. I guess it was a smooth ride as I did not experience any airsickness while in the plane. When I touched-down, I did not felt the least hungry and begin to proceed to meet the tour guide.
After meeting the tour guide, I have to wait for the tour bus. But finally after 15 minutes, I’m on my way to the first destination of the trip; a temple which is rumor to make the wishes of many comes true. I took a few photos and I’m done there.
Next destination, a tea making demo. There were 3 different types of tea. Anyway, I thought one was rather special so I called my mom to buy. After that, it was dinner time and the food is kidda appealing to me as I felt there is a sense of Singaporean style in the cooking. The food was quickly finished up and soon I’m on my way to the next destination.
I am bought to a cultural performance where I seated through the whole show not understanding what the heck they are talking about. Out of the 4 event they organize, I’m chosen for 3 events. The first event was something like a quiz show. I’m lucky and wow pickles! The next event is dancing a avoid stepping on the bamboo sticks which I done fairly well. The last event is the most embarrassing. I was chosen as the groom-to-be for a traditional style Chinese wedding. I blurry walk up the stages and did what they told me to do. After that event, I was tease my everyone. They asked me foolish question such as “why you did not bring your bride back with you”.
Wow… what a day. Now I’m in the hotel preparing to bath and have a rest to prepare for the day ahead.

Sign off

posted at 10:00:00 PM by Eugene

Watch the Incredibles at Great World City till late at the night and had to rush home to pack my luggage and make sure everything is near and tidy before i leave for my tour. I will be away till 17 dec.

(**I'm Going To Fulfill My Promise**)

All The Best To Myself

posted at 6:38:00 AM by Eugene

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Been searching for a suitable blog skin for like hours... Hours later... finally ham ham recommend me one... im dizzy from all the web surfing.. Guess my eyes need a rest already... nv sleep the past few days and today i finally go POP... Slept till 3 plus in the afternoon and i miss gym... need to re more regular for gym after my tour coz i had not gone to the gym for days... Now im ancipating for 11 dec... gonna start packing my stuff tml... wahaha... and thank you Pui Leng... Help me end my agony in searching for a suitable blogskin... Ending here...

Sign offzz

posted at 4:00:00 PM by Eugene

About Me

Eugene Koh
NP - Acc

His Phantom TA200


Bike Modifications
Touring Jacket
Good Results
Be Fitter
Car License
2A License

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
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November 2008
December 2008

Jie Ming
Jie Yong
Jun Ping
Kuan Long
Miss Tan
Yong Seing


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